See pictures: 2nd fr top--> Day one in returning from Puncak (without "waterfall"/ filter)
top pic. --> Day 5 today (Dec. 30, Gandaria home). Thank God the two gold-fish (not: fishes) have survived so far. In the morning, around 7.30-9 a.m., they get their D-vitamin sunshines, ho ho ho ....
top pic. --> Day 5 today (Dec. 30, Gandaria home). Thank God the two gold-fish (not: fishes) have survived so far. In the morning, around 7.30-9 a.m., they get their D-vitamin sunshines, ho ho ho ....
Last Xmas holiday, a whale was found in Kota Bunga (Puncak) swimming pool, helping 2 tiny gold-fish to escape the immense swimming pool. Ho, ho, you've guessed it right. It was me!
My cousin and I helped 2 tiny gold-fish, accidentally released into the giant swimming pool of Kota Bunga resort. What a sight! I wish nobody took a picture of me, lying relaxedly by the poolside in a deserted-whale position, desperately catching gently 2 gold-fish. Imagine! 2 gold-fish in one hell giant pool!
My cousin and I helped 2 tiny gold-fish, accidentally released into the giant swimming pool of Kota Bunga resort. What a sight! I wish nobody took a picture of me, lying relaxedly by the poolside in a deserted-whale position, desperately catching gently 2 gold-fish. Imagine! 2 gold-fish in one hell giant pool!
It was yesterday, and long efforts of surviving the 2 Nemos, such as:
1. Catching them in a 2m.-deep pool with the help of my young cousin;
2. Feeding them with pollen, obtained from Pasadena fishing pond (Kota Bunga);
3. Bringing them down to Jakarta before my aunt cooked them, for God's sake; and
4. Looking for place to change the water and add oxygen otw to Ciawi-Jakarta highway
(Thanks, Ciasin men).
Thanks, now the 2 gold-fish stayed in my 2nd-floor yard in a big pink lunch box once
SMAK Jakarta gave me during Christmas exchange of gifts, I guess. Mm ... here now
the "whale" in an air-conditioned room trying to have a sleep, while my 2 darlings
are swimming in my lunch box under the morning sunshine. Mmm ..... see how cute they are "dating" (see below). BTW, are they males or females or one male-one female? :)
1. Catching them in a 2m.-deep pool with the help of my young cousin;
2. Feeding them with pollen, obtained from Pasadena fishing pond (Kota Bunga);
3. Bringing them down to Jakarta before my aunt cooked them, for God's sake; and
4. Looking for place to change the water and add oxygen otw to Ciawi-Jakarta highway
(Thanks, Ciasin men).
Thanks, now the 2 gold-fish stayed in my 2nd-floor yard in a big pink lunch box once
SMAK Jakarta gave me during Christmas exchange of gifts, I guess. Mm ... here now
the "whale" in an air-conditioned room trying to have a sleep, while my 2 darlings
are swimming in my lunch box under the morning sunshine. Mmm ..... see how cute they are "dating" (see below). BTW, are they males or females or one male-one female? :)
The two tiny gold-fish are so cute!!! Where is the picture of the cute "whale"? hehe... ^_^ Happy New Year Sir!!!
Herbert: 9a/16
hahahahha, you call yourself a whale?! I don't expect that... well, anyway.. may your fish live hapily ever after in you pink aquarium ^^
Ivan: L0L 9b/18
Erick:9a/36 How kind of you helped that fish, I love that kind of person like you!! hehe...
Nonie 9A/27
how good you are, sir .. After you save the fish and adopt it .. You become the father of both the fish, right? Fish must not be afraid because daddy was a whale!
Rachel - 9B/29
Aishh... I can't get over how cute they are. ><
I really like the fact that our Sir is an animal lover. Hehehe. Do you still have them btw? They're cute.
you're really a superman..
Well, i think if the fish could speak,they will say, "Sir Teguh, you are our hero, you are is the best!" (maybe hehe..)
wow, cool rescue story! good to know they're 'dating', hehe.
so do you still have them now, sir? I used to have gold-fish too, but they're slowly dying, one by one. :'(
Patrice - 9B/28
ckckck... u r the whale??!! hahaha...
why you put it in lunch box?? put it in your bathup... so you can take a shower with them... haha...
btw,nice story//\\
cute fish...^^
take care of them,sir...
wow what a cute fish.. ^_^
i want one too... :'(
nadya 9b/26
do they still alive and already have kids (?)
theyre cute! but if i keep it, where should i put them? toilet? any idea?
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