Monday, November 02, 2009

Ms. Betsy's next assignment: Independent Writing (topic 160)

Hi, Brilliant class year 11,
here is Ms. Betsy's task of independent writing, with the assignment of topic no. 160 (See the Official ETS iBT TOEFL, 2009). Please write your answer in the COMMENT field (deadline Nov 2, 2009) for Tuesday's printing (sir).

Thanks! Congratulations as well to you for taking the 1st TOEFL simulation, mainly on reading and listening comprehensions.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, in a market we should complain about the product or poor service. And we can complain by writing it or complain in person. I prefer the second method, because the problem will be clear, my complaint is surely listened, and I can express my feeling.

First of all, it will be clear because speaking is more clearly than writing. By speaking, when we say wrong sentence we can change it directly so the customer service will understand what we say. But, when we write, sometimes we write something ambiguous and the market staff will misunderstand.

Furthermore, if we complain in person surely the customer service or market staffs listen to what we say and our opinion will be listened to them. But if we write, it is not directly to the market staffs. Probably our complaint isn’t read by them. For example: 2 customers want to complain about the same thing, the first one complain by phone the customer service, and we sure that the market staff listens to what we say. The second one complains by writing it and put it into the advice box. And the second person’s complain is dropped somewhere, so it isn’t read by the market staffs.

Moreover, when we speak we can use intonation and mimic that will show our feelings. So the market staff will think about their mistakes. But if we write, we only can use punctuation, and it is not enough to show our angriness or another feeling. For example: 2 customers complain in the same time, the first one write it and put it into the advice box, and the second one come to the market and speak directly to the market with angry face. The market staff surely will listen more to the second customer and really think about the problem.

In conclusion, we should tell our complaint in person. Because the market staff won’t misunderstand, we can make sure that our complaint is listened by the market staff, and we can use intonation and mimic that will make the market staff understand our feeling.

Ilona Christy..
it is the first time I become the first commenter.

Johan said...

Name : Johan Chrisnata
Class : XI BC - 08

When people need to complain about a product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I prefer to complain in person. First of all, we can be surely know that the person whom we criticize know what fault he/she has done. Second, speaking is the more appropriate way to complain someone. Third, by complaining directly to the person, reducing the chance of misunderstanding.

First, by complaining directly to the person, we can be surely know that the person whom we complain knows what mistakes he/she has done. Furthermore, there is no certainty that if we write the complain, the writings will be read by him/her. Moreover, by writing the complains, the person that we are targeted, can be not recognized our criticism. For instance, in a restaurant, someone does a bad service to us, if we write the complains, all of the waiters and waitress will be condemned as wrong by the manager. We can not specifically admonish the person that makes mistakes.

Second, it is more acceptable for the person that we complain, if we talk straight to him rather than mock or scorn him in our anonymous writings. They will repair their mistakes soon and make us satisfied because of our honesty. On the contrary, they will be offended if we do not have courage and talks about his mistakes only behind him. For example, i would try to change my bad habits if i was told directly rather than talking about my faults behind me. It would make me mad if i know it.

Third, communicating in two ways is more effective. If we write, it only makes one way of communicating, and there can be misunderstanding in it. If we speak directly to him, he can directly gives responses to out criticism and we can give responses again. On the other way, if we write, he can not give responses if our criticism is not clear for example, or he wants to explain the misunderstanding.

To conclude, i prefer to complain in person rather than complain in writing because talking directly is more effective and acceptable rather than complain in writing which can be useless and making offensive feelings.

AHFEJ RK-253 said...

There have been discussions between customers in a certain large market or public facilities about which way is the best to interpret their lack satisfaction about a bad quality product or poor service by the employee, write a complain letter to the manager or talk directly to the manager? Personally, I think the best way is the writing method. There should be reasons why I prefer writing to speaking method.

First of all, imagine that you are complaining to the manager about the bad service you received. Because of certain factor, such as nervous, anger, or out of words, it is possible for you to spill out wrong saying or even bad and impolite words, which perhaps could hurt the person we are talking to. Considering this possibility, then writing would be the best way. Why? Before give the complain letter to the person-in-charge, we still have chance to edit our letter to be more formal and polite, so that those who read our letter will not be offended.

Secondly, talk directly to the person-in-charge waste a lot of time. You have to go to the office then you have to wait for the manager to be ready before you can start complaining. Now compare this with writing method. You just need 10 minutes to construct your letter draft, choose better words to use, and finally compose them in a nice complain letter. After that you just need to send them by mail, or nowadays you can even send them via e-mail. As a manager of a big supermarket or public facility, I believe they will not ignore your complain letter, as long as it is written in polite and clear words. It is cheap, and you don’t need a lot of time to do it, do you?

Finally, concluding all the reason I have mentioned before, I am sure that it is better to complain in writing rather than complain in person.

Argh, gagal pertamax :(.

Felik Junvianto / 4 / XI-BC

Sam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam said...

First of all, I prefer complaining in person because we can show the producer our disappointment more than just writing down a letter. As we know that producer will quickly improve their product quality if the problem is big. If we talk directly, we can show them that they really need to improve the quality of the product more at that instant. On the other hand, writing a letter will be confirmed later, compared with direct talk. Besides, a letter usually comes to be almost the last priority to be confirmed. That is one of the reasons why I prefer talking directly.

Second, because we can tell them how to make the condition better than just writing a letter. We can tell the producer how to improve the quality of the product according to us, which can be one of the satisfying solutions. If we write our recommendations in a letter, the producer can be not understand about what we are talking about, besides, our letter might be not in prime priority, so they will just read and do nothing.

The last is because we can discuss the way to make the product better, which we cannot do if we only write a letter. We can discuss with them about how to make the condition better, after we confess our recommendation. They might have some difficulties in doing the solutions we give, and we can talk to get the best way for the producer and the consumer.

With these reasons, I am sure that talking directly to the producer is the best way in complaining.

-Samuel Radja-
Toefl page 228, no. 160.

Viciano said...

If I need to complain about a product or a service, I would prefer to complain in person. I am writing 3 reasons concerning the way I could state my opinion, practical way, and mistakes I could possibly make in writing my complain.
Firstly, I think it is more practical to state my complain by myself because I feel more comfort complaining in person since I do not have to waste my time writing it and I am quite worry that my complain does not go to the right person or they do not even read it. besides I can have a chat with whom I am complaining so I think that it does not has to be so formal to deliver your opinion.
Secondly, I am not quite good in stating my opinion through writing, I am afraid that I might make a little mistake while writing it. So once again I think that complaining through writing is not as practical as in person.
Finally, I think it is better to communicate between two person rather than one only. If I state my opinion through writing, that means that it is only me who communicate without even respecting with whom I am complaining.
In conclusion, I prefer to state my complain I person rather than writing it because it is a benefit to myself since I like the informal way in delivering my opinion.besides, we all know that it is more effective if we communicate in two ways.

viciano lee XIBC

avv said...

Complain in Person is The Best Way to Complain

Everyone will always want to get a good service from any of service provider. This is general in a real world. Unfortunately, in our real world, bad services are often happened. It is a fact that everyone this world could never deny. Whenever we get a bad service, what would we do? The most common thing people do is to complain. What do we actually need when we complain is a change in their service. We can complain in person or by writing to them, but I prefer to complain in person. There are some supporting ideas here such as more accurate, faster to change, and also faster to receive.

First of all, we should know that we would always want to see the change in their service in a short time. When we write a complain letter to a company, mostly our letter would go to the customer service officer. They would reply our complaint directly back to us. The one who read the complain letter and reply to us is the customer service officer instead of people who have more influence to the company that him/her. In this case, we know that the letter don’t get directly to the department who are in charge of our complaint subjects. This would mean that our complain letter will be pointless. It will never change the poor service into a good one.

In the other hand, if we want to complain directly in person, we could ask to meet the head of the right department. In this case, it is more accurate because we meet the right person to complain and also, they would have a stronger influence to the company better than the customer officer. A right complain to the right department will give the accurate result as well.

Furthermore, as our complaint was received directly to the right department, changes will eventually implement in a short time if they think that our complaint is logical. We could get the change in a very short time as our complaint is accurate. This would bring an advantage to the entire service user.

In addition, sending a complain letter will take time. For example, when we send a letter, our recipient will receive the letter in about 2 days or even more. The same thing could also apply here. When we complain about poor service, as I said before, we need a fast act, quick response.

In conclusion, while complain by writing create an easy way to us, complain in person would make a better response which everyone wants.

XI-BC / 01

natasiayosua said...

When people need to complain about a product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I am a kind of person who always prefers writing to speaking in many aspects in my life. That is also one of the reasons why my writing score is always higher than my speaking score in TOEFL tests. That is why, I prefer to complain in writing for sure. I strongly choose this way of complaining for at least three reasons.

First, in writing the complaining letter, we have time to really think about the details such as when was the problem occurred, how was the chronology of the problem, who was the subject of the problem, etc. Besides giving more important information, thinking of the details carefully will also reduce the probability of misunderstanding. On the other hand, complaining by speaking directly to a person related will minimize the information we say and maximize the chance of miss-spoken things.

Second, complains should be given to a perfect person whose job is really receiving customers’ criticisms. When we complain directly to a person, we do not have many choices of employees whom we would like to complain. Usually, we are able to meet the receptionists only and of course they do not deserve to receive the critics. But when we bring the written critics, we can entrust the complaining letter, which is addressed to the customer service or manager, to the receptionists or just put it into the available advice box.

Third, everybody knows that letters are more formal than soundings. It means that the company or store we complain to will appreciate letters more than just soundings. Perhaps, we complain directly to a person not in a right time. At that moment, that person is possibly in a hectic situation or bad mood. As a result, they will not listen to us carefully. But when people read a letter, they will choose the right time by themselves and read it in a good mood and relax situation, then they will be able to get what we really mean.

As a final point, written critics will be much more efficient and effective than spoken critics. It is similar to the sponsorship activity. In that activity, we can not ask for sponsors by only speaking to the companies, but the most important thing is that we have to send them the written proposal which has been completed with every detail the companies need.

Natasia Yosua Yahya

fransiska said...

When people need to complain about product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I prefer to complain in writing when I want to complain about a product or poor service. I prefer to complain in writing because of some reason.

To begin with, when we complain with writing we can express our problem with a product better than we complain in person. If we complain in writing, we can write all of our protest completely. If we complain in person, usually we complain in a hurry and finally we can not express all of our problem with a product or poor service completely.

Moreover, when we complain with writing we can control our emotion better than we complain in person. Complain in writing is more intellectual way than complain in person. People complain in person usually easy to get angry with the company they complain for. If we complain in writing we can convey our problem with a product or poor service in a patient condition. For example, if there is a blackout, we usually can not contact costumer service from electricity company. It is because people usually complain in person, and they easy to get angry. So, the costumer service usually scare with customers and they prefer to not answer the telephone.

In addition, if we complain in writing we can edit our letter, but if we complain in person we can not edit words out from our mouth. It may hurt the feelings of person we talking to.

In conclusion, it is better if we complain in writing. We can control our emotion and people will more respect to us.

lilie fransiska/13/XI-BC

james_liman said...

There are many discussions about complain in writing or complain in person when people need to complain about a product or poor service. I prefer to choose complain in writing because of three reasons, such as can choose appropriate words, and less chance to be conflict, and the person in charge can answer you formally.

Firstly, when you complain in person you cannot choose appropriate words completely. It is different when you complain in writing, you can choose appropriate words, and also you can edit your writing after you write it. Our speaking or our writing is the reflection of your character, so it is important for us to say or write something very carefully and again, it is more safety for us to write something than talk about it.

Secondly, sometimes little problem such as complaining in inappropriate words can become very big problem. The people in charge can be very sensitive or easy to angry when you put inappropriate words in your complain because even that person do something false, you still have to complain in an appropriate words. So, by writing it, you can get less chance to face big conflict. For example, you get poor service from supermarket and immediately you get angry to his/her manager with inappropriate words then the manager can bring you to the police because it is violated the law.

Thirdly, the person in charge to take your complain must ask his/her partner to clarify what the real problem is. The person cannot judge your complain is true before the person asks first to his/her partner because sometimes the problem is only a matter of understanding. It is more efficient for you, to write your complain, send it to the person in charge and wait for the formal reply.

For the conclusion, I prefer to choose complain in writing than complain in person.

James Liman

Kevin said...

Name: Kevin Adrian Immanuel
Class: XI BC

I prefer to complain by writing. This is the easiest way to express our dissatisfaction to the company or a person. If we complain by writing, it also can express our thoughts effectively, and it will prevent us from fighting.

First of all, complaining by writing is easier than to complain in person. We do not have to spend our time by going to the company and wait to meet the person we want. If the person is very far away from us, or if the person is not too far away, sending him an e-mail will be the most convenient way, and this is easy because nowadays it is very easy to get the internet in some cafes or even in home.

Secondly, it is better to complain by writing because we can express our thoughts effectively, and prevent us from fighting. It is natural for anybody to pour out some forbidden words in this situation. There is no one who can control their emotions perfectly. So, I believe there will be no problem if we complain by writing because we can control our emotions and we can express our dissatisfaction clearly and there will be no misunderstanding between you and the person you want to talk with.

In conclusion, although complaining by writing sometimes will take long time for the person to respond, I am the person who cannot express my feeling well when I meet the person. So, I will always prefer to complain in writing because it is easy and it can prevent us from fighting.

Anonymous said...

Poor product or service sure is very annoying for everyone. But we cannot just sit and let it broken. Sometimes for these conditions, we cannot just sit and wait but we have to complain. Complaining can be done in two ways, by writing or by talk to the person. For me it is better to complain by writing because it is efficient, quick, and easy to control emotion.

Complain by writing is more efficient than talk to the person because by writing, we can think carefully what we want to inform and we can say it clearly just one time. Not every people can talk so clearly but every people do can write good words. Else, from writing, we can write all things we want to complain about and just one time conversation to the producer. The other, we do not need to go to the producer and we just need to know the address of the producer and just talk to them by letter.

The other reason is that complain by writing is that write is quicker than talk to the person. The meaning quicker here is we do not need to make a promise to the producer to talk with him/her which the promising procedure needs a long time. Else, we can do faster procedure by writing to the producer.

The last reason why I choose complain by writing is better is because we can easily control our emotion when we are writing other than when we are talking directly. In my opinion, it is safer when we talk without angry when we are complaining or it will cause bigger problem and make bad relationship between the consumer and producer.

So in conclusion, I prefer to complaining by writing for such a product or poor service rather than talk to the person.


[L]eon-[z] said...

When people need to complain about a product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

When people need to complain about a product or poor service, I prefer to complain in person, rather than to complain in writing. To support my choice, I will state two reasons, Expressions and Simplicity.

We know that language and speaking are things that we obtained naturally. We can easily speak the words that we want to say, control the intonations and stresses to avoid misunderstandings. Different from reading and writing, we must study about how to read and write. Also, the choices of words and punctuation marks affect the outcome of the letter that we write. They must read it twice of more to fully understand the true meaning of the letter, or sometimes they misundertand the meaning of the letter, just because we choose the wrong words, or even wrong punctuation marks.

For my second reason, it is expressing yourself. It is easier to express yourself face to face, does not matter if it is sadness, or dissatisfaction or any other feelings. Even a slight gesture can help them to understand what are you talking about. Simpler than writing, punctuations and choice of words control the outcome. Again, it is easier to misunderstand a writing than talking face to face.

In conclusion, I prefer to complain a product or poor service in person, rather than to complain in writing.

Leonard Andreas
XI-BC /12

Joses said...

English Assignment

“To complain, it’s better to talk in person”

Have you ever got poor service when you buy something from a store? Have you ever bought something and found it broken? What do you do next? Do you complain the producer? How do you tell your dislike about the service or the products? Do you write a letter or do you come to the company and talk it in person? Which way do you think better? For me, I prefer to talk in person because the problem is clearer, the feeling can be expressed correctly, and it will be handed directly.

In the first place, if we tell what we get, how bad the service is or the broken parts of the things we have bought, it is better to do it face to face. We can complain briefly and politely. Besides that, we do not need to worry that there will be misunderstanding. When the producer does not understand we can immediately explain to him/her clearly. Both sides will know the troubles that happen at that time.

Next, we can show our feelings appropriately, because if we write a letter, the producer will not understand what feelings we bear inside ourselves. By talking face to face, we can express whether we are angry, sad or disappointed. Also, we will feel relieved if we tell and share our feelings more than if we write our feelings down at a paper.

Finally, our problem will be finished quicker than when we send it via letter. We know that the producer’s job is not only sitting everyday and checking the letters but also inspecting the workers’ jobs, negotiating with other companies, and a lot of other jobs to be done. So, there will be possibility that our letter isn’t read and thrown out to the trash bin.

To sum up, I suggest if we feel disappointed with service or products, just talk in person and do not send a letter to the producer. I believe that this way is more efficient to complain.

Joses Grady Nathanael
XI-BC / 09

Billy.S said...

When people need to complain about a product or a poor service, I thought it is better to complain in person. It is because many people said that talking is better than writing, because talking is clearer than writing. By talking, you could explain about your complain clearly. So, the message that you want to deliver to the person could be delivered. But, when you write, sometimes what you want to complain is not clearly delivered to that person. That person might misunderstand what you want to say to him or her. So what you write is useless. Another case, writing needs more times.

In addition, the other reason that why I prefer complain in person is because when you write your complaint on a piece of paper, the paper might not be received by the person. That paper might be thrown away or crushed by the water before the paper is being read by the person. When you talk to the person, it is directly received by the person, and there won’t be any trouble such as water or wind blow up your paper.

Another reason, when you write to the person, she or he might not be able to read your handwriting because it is maybe too hard to read by the person. But when you talk, and the person does not understand what you said, she or he can ask you directly what the meaning of what you said is. If you write on a piece of paper and your handwriting could not be read, the person cannot ask you about the meaning of your complaint.

In conclusion, you would be better to explain your complain by speaking directly to the person so what you want to say might delivered clearly to that person so they could understand exactly all you want to say.


Evan said...

The Independent Writing Topics No.160 Pg.228

“When people need to complain about a product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way so you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”

I prefer to complain in person in some reasons, they are accuracy and feelings. It is because the it is clearer and more efficient way to communicate, sometime we could not convey the massages correctly on the paper, making misunderstanding possible. If we communicate in person, it is better because it is our-self that experiences the problem and we can explain clearly and as long as we can without worrying the there is not enough paper left.

The first reason is accuracy. If we write, there is a possibilities that we forgot to write the detail, it could be problem because the provider will be rather confused to diagnose the problem and giving the correct solution. Many provider will be very happy if we can tell the problem as quickly and as accurate as possible, even in some occasion the provider will giving their appreciation tho the customer who help to find the problem and report it.

Next is feelings. Feeling is also important because feeling can convey most of massages, such as worries, disappointment, etc. Provider also a human, so they would be very concern if we tell the problem in serious manner, that way, the issue will be taken care as fast as possible. Also if we tell the problem with an emotions, the provider will feel really responsible and after the problem is finished, they will feel happy and relax, it will relieve their stress. Not only their employees, but the company will be happy to know their product or services is getting better.

In the last no matter how complicated and gruesome the problems are, if we talk about it, it could be easier to handle and it will benefit not only customer, but the employee and the company too. And we can express our feeling openly than words.

Evan A.

loren said...

When we complain about some poor service or products, it would be better to complain in person than complain in writing because of several reasons like easier to describe, there is direct response, and many more.

First at all, it is easier to describe something by telling than by writing. When we complain in person, we do the two ways conversation, so the probability that the person is misunderstand about our complain is smaller than if we write the complain, because if the person do not understand about our complain we can explain it. But if we write the complain, maybe there are some information that we do not write because we feel hard to explain it in words, and also the person can not ask to us about our complain in case he/she do not understand about our complain.

Secondly, there is a direct response. If we tell the salesman about his poor service then he will say sorry and try to change the bad service, or if we tell about a flaw product then he change it with the new one. But if we complain in writing, we will not get a direct response, we do not know about their knowing of our complain. Maybe they read our complain, maybe they are not. If we complain in person, we know that they know about the bad things, so the probability to change those bad things is bigger than if we complain in writing.

In conclution, complain in person is better than complain in writing, because it is easier to explain and there is direct rensponse.

Laurensia M.A.
XI BC/11

patriciajonatan said...

As a normal human being, it is natural for one to get upset when he or she is disappointed for having bad products or unpleasant services which do no worth the money. Complaining is one way to protect our right and send our dissatisfaction. Since there are many ways to criticize, how should we protest? If I have to choose between complaining in writing or in person, I prefer complaining in writing.

First, written critics will be assigned to the person who is in charge of customer care directly. If we make a complaint in person, it may not be taken care successfully, since the ones we are most likely giving our critics are waiters, who have got their own jobs. They might listen and behave really nice, also apologize for the inconvenience, but in such busy condition, our complaints may be forgotten in the mean time and failed to be handed to the right person. Written critics are pretty effective to handle this problem.

Second, there is a saying that for a company to get 1000 oral complains is bad, but receiving 1000 critic mails is much worse. At most cases, people tend to complain in person more than writing complaint letters then they assign letters after the complaints are not delivered. Why do they complain in person first and write mails later? In the real world writings are generally more formal and important than spoken messages, so sending written critics is done as a further act. How if we write critic mails as the first act? There will be higher chance for the complaints to be handled well.

Third, we can write our complaints calmly in written critics, so every protest we write is true, not too exaggerated because of our emotion. Moreover, with no arguing, in such calm situation we may insert more details about what we protest, so the reader may understand us better and manage to finish the problem.

In conclusion, complain in writing is more effective, polite, and considered important than complain in person.

Noah Riandiputra said...

In many cases, we have to complain to a company about a product or poor service. The company may hate our complaint, but it is actually very important for the development of the company itself. As a consumer, I prefer to complain in writing rather than in person. I believe that complaining in writing is better than complaining in person because it is more private, polite, and accurate.

Firstly, complaining in writing is better than complaining in person because it is more private. Speaking directly to the wrongdoer in front of other people, such as the other employees or other consumers, will not only makes him embarrass, but also makes us, the complaining consumer, lowered our reputation and honour, especially if we are expressing our angriness openly. Writing a private letter to the wrongdoer will be more honourable.

Secondly, complaining in writing is more polite than complaining in person. It is a more formal way in complaining. In addition, we can mind our words in writing the letter, while we may not control our emotion wisely when we are complaining in person. We can also arrange the words correctly to avoid any misunderstanding.

Thirdly, complaining in writing is more accurate than complaining in person. Many people think that complaining directly in person is more accurate than writing because the wrongdoer can see our expression. Nonetheless, the wrongdoer will not mind our disappointment and listen carefully to the solutions we are offering because of his bad emotional condition at that time. On the other hand, if we send him a letter, he will read it in a better emotional state than before, and become wiser in understanding his misdoing and the solutions we are offering. Therefore, complaining in writing is actually more accurate than complaining in person.

In conclusion, it is better to complain in writing rather than in person, because it is more private, polite, and accurate.

Noah Riandiputra
SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong

Sam said...

There are two types of people in this case. The first one is someone who likes to do something that they have been well with it, and some others likes to do something new. Between these two types of people, I would prefer being someone who does something new. There are several reasons for this.

The first one is because a person who does something new will usually has more experiences in life. For example, I can ride a motorcycle already, but I want to try to drive a car. That motive will make me have more experience in driving automotives compared with the others. The more neat I have in trying something new, the more experience I will gain. Unlike people who do the same thing all the time, someone who likes to do something new will has lots of things that he can do.

Besides that, doing something new means that we try to encourage ourselves to step into a new “world”, which means, they will me more brave than people who always do something the same. The mentality of people who do something new will be more optimistic and usually more hardworking than the others, it is because they have courage to expand their knowledge. People who do something the same again and again will be scared to do something out of their current activity.

The last one is because doing something new must be more interesting than the boring usual activity. People can be bored when they have done the same activity for about 5 or 6 times when in the other hand, doing something new will means we will do something that we haven’t know before. We have to have a new role of activity at least once a week. That is what makes doing something new is more interesting than doing the same activity.

Seeing all of these, we can conclude that doing something new is better than doing something usual.

Samuel Radja
XI BC / 17
Toefl book page 220, no. 50

AHFEJ RK-253 said...

There has been a nice question among professionals about their daily job. The question is, which would you prefer to do, keep living you life with your mastered abilities, such as doctor or programmer, or being curious and try new thing and take the risk, for example a doctor becoming a chef. Personally, I prefer to keep doing things I have already well at and try to improve my skill, so I can do it better. There are several reasons why I prefer this way.

Firstable, I believe that the God create every single person in the world with their own special talents and abilities. If you have already found what your talent is, and you can do it well, why you still want to take risks for trying any new things? It would be waste of time and money to learn other things again from the beginning, and I do believe that even if you are managed to do it, you will never be able to give your best in it.

In addition, I believe that we still can improve our skill in doing what we have already done well to become better. By developing our skill, I am absolutely sure that we can be more useful in community and we can help more people with our more improved skills and abilities. Summarized with what I have written in the previous paragraph, I do not think that people who take risks and try new things can be more useful compared to the professional who have already mastered in it.

For conclusion, there is no doubt in me that keep doing and improving what you have already done well will be better than taking such a risk and try new things, not knowing whether you will be success and useful for the people around you or not.

Felik Junvianto / 4 / XI-BC

Argh, gagal pertamax lagi :(

fransiska said...

Some people like to do only they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

For me, it is better to try new things and take risks than do only I already do well. I prefer that because of some reasons.

To begin with, try new things and take a risk will develop our ability. If people just do something they already do well, their ability will not develop. Because they already know what they want to do and they already can do well. If we try to do new things and take risks, we will learn something new and we also will have new experiences too. New experiences will make us case hardened.

Moreover, try new things and take a risk will give us opportunity. For example, if we just stay in small city and not migrate to bigger city, we just can do usual job in small city, such as be a farmer. And if we migrate to bigger city, try new things and take a risk, we will get opportunity to get better job than be a farmer in a small city. Because of that, some people in small city have a dream to migrate to bigger city so they can get better job.

In addition, try new things and take a risk also with form our characters. We will form into brave person if like to learn new things and take a risk in a positive way. If we just do something we can do well, we will only thinking and thinking if we get something new, without do something because there is no ability to do something new in our self.

In conclusion, I prefer to do something new and take a risk than do something I can do well, because do something new will give me new experiences.

lilie fransiska/XI-BC/13

avv said...

Trying Something New is a Better Way

I disagree that people should only do what they excel in. Some supporting ideas came out to my mind with this statement such as creativity, self-development, and also to create new experiences.

To begin with, I believe that everyone has a gift from God which is generally known with creativity. Every people in this world have their own brain and everyone will eventually have their own creativity. It is a fact that everyone could never deny. Instead of being a gift, creativity is also a life-skill which is needed in our life in order to survive in this rapid world. Creativity in every aspects including problem solving is one of the key to a successful future. Taking risk and try to do something new could help us develop our own creativity. As for an example, if someone only wants to do something they had excelled, they would only know one way to finish their job. It could be a time-taking way or in other word, there are lots of easier ways to finish that job. You would never know and you would never understand how to do your job in the other way. People will think that you are not creative enough to do your own job and how they would look down on you. It seems that doing something which is you excelled only will create a major disaster for you.

Moreover, every single people in this world must understand that people are never satisfied to anything they could have done. This would eventually mean that everything in this world needs to be well-developed. Not only things around you need to be developed, yourself will always need to be developed. It is also one of God’s words which are to be known in the bible that everyone should be able to develop their talent. In self-development projects, there’s no doubt that trying something new would trained you not to give up in everything even though things going to be a failure. It would teach you to be strong in any circumstances even if you failed.

In addition, doing something new is also creating a great experience to everyone. Think about this, when you do the same thing all over again, how would you feel about it? I guess most people will get bored and there is a possibility that they do not want to do the same thing. Trying a new way would give them a great experience. They would know that this way is better than the conventional one, and also, they would understand that this way would lead to a disaster. Of course none of us would like to be like a ‘stupid’ people as they keep doing the wrong things all over again.

In conclusion, doing only things you excelled could bring a success every time, but it could make you feel bored and bring a disaster instead of success. Trying something in a different way will teach you to be a better person.


Billy.S said...

Some people like to do only what they already do well because I think that they might do that to improve their skill in doing those things. Other people prefer to try new things and take risk because I think that they might looking for a better things, better opportunity, better skills than before, so their life might improved from an ordinary life to a better life.

But, I think it is better for us to do only what we already do well because by doing that, we might have a focus in our life and in spending our time. For example, if you like science, then focus on studying science and try to mastered it and try to not to learn other things that exactly do not have any relation to science. If you do that, you will be successful in science. If you learn too many things and not mastered at least one thing, people will not choose you for any job. If you mastered at least one skill, people might call you for a job that related to your skill.

There are many skills in this world that can be learned, if you do not have any statement on doing something and mastered it, you will waste your time for nothing. Even if you spend your whole life learning new things, it stills not enough to learn all things in the whole world. So do not waste your time by learning new skill that might not make your life better, even worse, because you have to take a risk by spending more time and also money.

In conclusion, you should do things that you like and you can do it well, because that can make your life better, because you can easily get a job, and also you will have a focus. Try to not doing another things that you do not like and things that you cannot do it well.

james_liman said...

TOEFL No. 50

Some people like to do only what they already do well and other people prefer to try new things and new risks. I prefer to try new things and new risks because of three reasons, such as: new things mean new challenges, experience to know something new, and discover our hidden talent.

First, new things mean new challenges. When you do what you already do well, you rarely find something challenging because you already knew all about that thing. For me, it is very boring. By doing something new, you can find new challenge in those new things. For example: a runner runs every day in the flat forest and in one day the runner chooses to run on the mountain, of course the runner will face new problem with his respiration but at least it challenges the runner to solve that problem.

Secondly, experience to know something new. When you try to do something new you can improve your knowledge about other things. It is better for us to know more about something because there is no knowledge which is useless. For example, when you do well in Chemistry and you try to learn Biology, it helps you much more to know the complete knowledge of Science.

Thirdly, discover our hidden talent. While you know what things you already do well, it means that you already find your talent, but who knows if something you have not try is your talent. For example a person who does well in Mathematics tries to learn Physics. That happens to many Physics medalist in Indonesia. They are all come from Mathematics and then take risks to learn Physics and it works!

In the conclusion, I prefer to try new things and new risks because of new challenges, want to know something new and discover hidden talent.

James Liman

HaTe said...

Some people in this world very like to do just the things that they already do well. It is because doing something that we have already done will means fewer risks. But in my life, I prefer to try new things because with this I can know more things in this life, very challenging, and new things mean new adventure.

Life is not only eating and sleep but life also contain a lot of mystery which needed people’s hand to reveal it. Doing something new will reveal more mystery in this nature and give us more knowledge which means we can know more things in this life. For example, when a baby learn to walk. If it do not want to try, it will not walk whole it life. But when it try to walk, that will make it walk forever and this make it know more mystery in its life which is ‘how to walk’ mystery.

Try new things is also very challenging because when we try new things, we do not know what it is and how to make the trial success. For me (and maybe some people) it is not a great wall which will stop us in trying but it is a rock that we have to jump over. The famous inventor we known until now also have this spirit so they can invent such wonderful things.

The last reason why I prefer to try new things is because new things mean new adventure. This means when I try new things, I am doing a great new adventure which is different from the adventure I have done before. I will give an example about a mountain climber. I have not ever climbed a mountain before. But if I climbed it today, it will give a new and wonderful adventure for me.

In conclusion, I prefer to try new things rather than doing things I have already done well.

[L]eon-[z] said...

Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use spesific reasons and examples to support you choice.

For me personally, I prefer to try new things and take risks, instead of to do only what they already do well. I have two reasons to support my choice, and those reasons are: new experiences and short-time-process of adaptation. I will explain about the reasons.

We know that we are living in a dynamic age, where new things come quickly. It means that we must always be adapted to the situations and circumstances. There is a saying: "We will never now until we try it." The meaning of the sentence is we must always try to do something, in order to know about that thing. Although it is risky, but because of that, we will know how to face the similar things in the future. We will be used to it, and we can face the problems easier.

Connected to my first reason, adaptations are also important. Not only that, but it is also useful for our future. The fast rate of the changes in this dynamic age force us to adapt to the current circumstances. If we cannot adapt to the circumstances, we will be left behind, and if we are left behind, it is not easy to catch up the others. To prevent that from happening, we must learn how to adapt fastly. Even though it is hard and risky, it is better because from that, we can learn how to handle risks that we face from our choices and how to control our emotions when we are facing new things. The fastest way to adapt to something is to try it by yourself. Because experience is the best teacher.

In the end of my writing, I will conclude that to try new things and take risks is better that to do only what they already do well.

Leonard Andreas
XI-BC / 12

Johan said...

Name : Johan Chrisnata
Class : XI BC - 08
“Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer. Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.”

I prefer to try new things and take risks. First of all, we as a human have to try all things and not to be focused in one thing. Secondly, it will be boring if we keep doing the same thing for a whole life. Third, we have to expand our abilities in other things because we have so many hidden talents.

First of all, it is better for us to try new things in this world and not too focused on one thing. If we have been doing well in one thing, just try another things. If we keep doing what we have already done well, so we will be a frightened person who has no brave in doing many things. Furthermore, people will label us as a coward. For instance, babies have to try to walk as well as to crawl. If they do not try to stop crawling, they would never be able to walk.

Secondly, if we keep doing the same thing for a long period of time, then we will be bored. Although we will have a lot of fun and it is much safer for us to do what we have been doing well, we will be a closed person and we are not able to accept our flaws in the other things.

Third, we actually have a lot of talents that are still hidden. We can not know what other talents that we have if we do not want to try new things. I believe ever people in this wold has more than one talent. Furthermore, it will be wonderful if we know it and find our other abilities. For example, my friend is good at singing and i do believe he has another talents, so i ask him to find out what else he has got. And at last, he knew that actually he is also good at swimming.

To conclude, i prefer to try new things rather than doing one thing what i have already done well because i have to try new things and not to be a closed person. Furthermore, life will be wonderful if we know what abilities we have, so we have to find out or dig our hidden treasures that were given from God.

lonalona said...

People should just do what they already do well, because we can do it smoothly, result is better and we don’t need to sacrifice anything.

First of all, by doing what we can we can do our job smoothly, because we already know the details of each part and step of our job, so we can do it fast and smooth. If we do something new, we don’t know what we are going to do next or we don’t really know about the job we are doing. For example: A and B are singers, and they are commanded to sing in a concert, but B want to try playing piano. A who already expert in singing can sing well in the concert, A already knows how to read a score, how to take breath, etc. But B who doesn’t really know about piano cannot play smoothly.

Furthermore, the results are better if we do something we are expert in. Because we already know how to do our job well we can give good results, rather than we don’t know how to do it well. For example: A (in the first paragraph) who really good in singing can sing beautifully and amazed many audiences, but B doesn’t sing well in the concert.

And then, if we do what we can we don’t need to sacrifice anything, such as: our feeling, our money, or even our life. Because we are expert in that part, so it is a small possibility for us to do something wrong and we don’t need to do extra job to fix what we do. But if we do something new, we are not expert in that part so it is very possible to do something wrong and we need to sacrifice something to fix it. For example: In the first paragraph, A is singing and B is playing piano in the concert. A can do it well and sing beautifully, but B makes many errors in the concert. B must be very ashamed, so B sacrifices his/her own feeling and B have to say sorry to the one who make the concert.

In conclusion, it is better to do something we can do well, because we can do it smoothly, we can give the best result we can, and don’t need to sacrifice anything.

patriciajonatan said...

Doing something we already mastered is nice. This is pretty natural because if we did well at anything, we will be pleased, and there is high possibility to get praised and flattered. I agree that those are really pleasant feelings, but to limit our activity just about the subjects we mastered is awful. People who prefer to try new things and take risk would enjoy life more. I have at least three reasons;

First, we are living in the earth where many kinds of people live and various customs are spread. It is so awkward for one to not get interested by any new thing. I am very sure that things we already do well are not much, if we compare to the number of types of activities in the world. Every single day, we may face new things, since the world we are living is so heterogeneous. By doing only the same things everyday, life would be so boring. We only cope a small portion on the pleasant things the earth presents.

Second, trying new things may lead to making new friends and widen our knowledge. For example, it is my first time hiking and I do not know what to prepare, so I go to some clubs and ask the seniors about all things. Therefore, I made new acquaintance. By hiking, I also get to know what kind of plants and animals living higher mountains.

Third, succeeding in what we are not usually done is such nice experience. For instance, a national-ranked swimmer to succeed swimming 100 meters in an awesome speed in usual, but for him to succeed in flying the helicopter is such unforgettable event. There is much difference in those two successes, really.

Therefore, trying new things is much better than only doing what we already done well.

Patricia Jonatan

loren said...

Some people like to do things that they already do well, and the others prefer to try new things and take risk. I would prefer to try the new things for several reasons, like better thing, to know new things, and to know how it feel.

First at all, new thing is better than the old one. It is easier to do something with technology help. For example, you have a writing task. If you do it by computer, it will be better, because there is not any tip-ex and your writing can be read easily. If you do it manually (hand writing), of course there will be some correction that is not always tidy, and not all person have nice hand writing.

Secondly, if we do not try something new, then we will never know how to do it. We know that always there is the first time to do something. For example, you can not swim and you do not want to try nor learn it, so you will not ever can to swim. But if you try to swim and learn it from someone that is can swim, of course you will be can to swim. Maybe it need some time to learn it, but definitely you will be can to do it.

Thirdly, to know how it fell. If you do not try to do something, we will not know how it feel. For example, you never eat cheesecake, so you will never know how it taste.

In conclusion, it is better for you to try new things, because most of new thing is better than the old one, to know how to do something new, and to know how it feel.

Laurensia M.A.
XI BC / 11

Joses said...


"Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks"

There are several types of people when they make a decision. Some people only want to do what they already do well. On the other hand, some people prefer to try new things and take risks. For me, I prefer to try new things and take risks. Although I am not an adventurous person and I am not brave enough to take risks, i prefer to try new things for several considerations. I will not do monotonous activity, I will get new experience and also I can discover new abilities in my self.

Firstly, if i try something new, I will not easily get bored because there will be a new challenge for me to be faced. I will make a hard effort to overwhelm the new things. My activity will be various because I will not spend my time in the same activity. I can do a lot of new things to master the new things, for example I can do some researches, read more books in the library, improve my skills by doing some practices and also get more knowledge by learning from some references.

Besides that, by doing various activities that I have mentioned above, I will get new experience, whether in improving my knowledge or finding new friends. I’m sure that by having more experience will make me ready to face the later life. I will learn a lot of things, such as new information, the meaning of life, and also several important lessons that I have not learned.

Lastly, to try new things means to enlarge the range of my ability. I can discover my other abilities, my potentials and also my interests that I have. So I can use those to help other people and make a better life. When I fail in one subject, I have another chance to be success.

To sum up, life will not be boring, if you want to try new things and take risks! Make your life colourful because life is just once!

Joses Grady Nathanael
XI-BC / 09

Evan said...

The Independent Writing Topics No. 50 Pg. 220

“Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choices.”

I prefer to do only I can do it well because it will give me certainty, higher rate of success, and low difficulties. When we do something, most people will see the finish, how well we have done, how fast it took to finish, and many more. I like to do on my way because I already experienced in doing that process, that mean I will know what happen next, what problem will occur and how to solve it.

First is certainty. When we want to finish the task from beginning, we will plan on how we will finish it until the end. Of course there will be many obstacles, but when we do it in we used to, we will easily recognize every obstacles appear, thus have more time to prepare against the unexpected one. We also want the task to be finished as fast and as smooth as possible, we can do that because we can prevent the minor problem because of lack of knowledge. That is the opposite when we do something new, we can not predict that the task will be successful or a failure.

Next is higher rate of success. Everyone wants their task to finish without failure, leftover problems, or bad results. Using own methods, we can predict what will the results are, and what happen when the process start, then we can modify that to give us the best results. Doing risky methods will increase the failure up until half of percentages, while in known method would be less than that.

Last is low difficulties. If we doing something new, we do not know what will happen if we doing something we do not even know why we do that, that will be dangerous if the process can not be redo, all of project can fail because of one process. When we do in our way, we already accustomed to the process, thus the work will be done faster.

So doing in our way we know will finish the task without too much worry of failing, still with good results and some time left to recheck and modify a little bit or do something else.

Evan A.

Kevin said...

Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Doing what we already do well and trying new things and take risks, both of them have its own advantages and disadvantages. But, I prefer to do something that I already do well. This is because of safety, and time.

First of all, to try something that we do not usually do is very dangerous. We know that it has risks, so we do not have to do it; no one knows whether we will fail or we will success. Only God knows that. Many of the Inventor, like, Thomas Alfa Edison, he spend lot of his time trying to search the most suitable material to make a lamp, and he was succeed. But, we must think twice because no one knows if the same condition as Thomas Alfa Edison will also happen to us.

Secondly, we need to learn before we do something that we never do before. Learning needs time and money. And before we start to do what we want to do, we will need to make plans or preparing something to support our activities. This will kill most of our time, and this is not very effective because it costs lot of money and lot of time, and, it will make us tired and we cannot do our activities well.

In conclusion, although you may discover something that you never thought by trying new things, you still need to think about the risks. So, I prefer to do what I already do well.

natasiayosua said...

Here is Natasia Yosua Yahya's answer for Topic 50 page 220.

Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

If we prefer to do things we already do well and really enjoy every moment doing those things without trying to do anything else, then our life will be out of colours and we will be trapped in a boring daily routine. And how to get out of that sucks routine? The answer is trying new things and challenging ourselves whether we can do those new things. That is why, I am one of the people who prefer to try new things than do what they already do well. I have at least three reasons for that statement.

First, every human being is gifted talents by God. Not only one or two talents, but hundreds of talents, as some surveys said. Maybe we have known some of our talents and mastered some activity related to those talents, but I believe that there are many more talents we should know. Hundreds of talents? Where can we find them all? For this problem, I believe God will offer us chances to “meet” those talents, and then all we have to do is taking those chances whenever God offers.

Second, in our life, there are steps we should take to be a better person. And to achieve that goal to be a better person, we have to move forward, not just stay in a point. The part of the steps is trying new things and taking the chances I have said above. And what about the risks? Everything in this whole world has their own risks, so in my opinion, we can not avoid risks, they are everywhere.

Third, doing one thing again and again without any improvement, because we already do very well in it, will create a routine. And I am a kind of person who hates routine activities so much. I will do the same things over and over again in a condition where there is something I can do to improve my skills in it, but not when I have mastered it.

Finally, I strongly prefer to take the opportunities to do new things together with the risks. It is similar to the situation when we play a video game. We will be very enthusiast to finish the goal and master the game, but when we have accomplished them, and then we will move to another video game to find a new challenge.

Noah Riandiputra said...

Each person has an ability to do well in at least one thing. Doing only what they already do well sometimes makes us bored. However, I prefer doing it rather than always trying new things because when we do something we have done well, we can get the best result, become more expert in that field, and I consider trying new things all the time as too risky.

First, no one disagree that an expert can do better than a newcomer can. I believe that if we do what we have done well, we can achieve the best result because we are focusing on only one thing, which is our life choice. As an illustration, when we put a piece of paper on the ground outside our house in the middle of the day with hot weather, nothing will happen to the paper, but if we hold a magnifier close to the paper and focus the light and heat from the sun to the paper, the paper will be burnt. I got that philosophy from many influential people in my life, and that is why I believe that focusing only at one thing is better than trying new things all the time.

Second, we can be an expert if we keep on practicing at one thing. If we always do the thing we have done well, we can do that better and better again next time, and become an expert on that field. I believe that it is useless if we can do everything, but we can only do it in a low quality. Therefore, I prefer to do only what I already do well and keep on practicing it.

Third, I consider trying new things all the time as too risky. Taking risk is important in many cases, but taking risk all the time is not a good thing to do. Problems may occur if we always take risk and gamble on everything.

In conclusion, doing only what we already do well is better than trying new things and taking risks because of the best result we can achieve, become better and better, and I consider that trying new things all the time is too risky.

Noah Riandiputra
SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong

Anonymous said...

Some people like to do what they already do well.Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
If i am about to choose between doing something i already do well or something new, i prefer to do something new. I am stating 3 reasons concerning my boredom, my antusiasm to get new experience, and my wish to be expert in everything.
Firstly, i think that doing somethi ng new means that i am leaving my old routine which i already expert in, and try something new to get new experience. I know that trying something new might be quite risky but we will never know if we do not try it, so i think trying is not a bad thing, we can get more friends, and we can get more experience. If i think that i am quite suitable with my new activity then i will try to be an expert in it, but if i think that i am not suitable in it, then i will just take it as an valuable experience and leave it.
Secondly, some people might thing that it is useless if you keep trying new things without concentrating in one of it, that opinion is not a wrong opinion but i must say that expert in many things is also not a wrong opinion, if you think you can make it, why not? Experting in more than one thing is of course better than experting only in one thing.
Finally, i would say that doing only one thing make us do not know about what is it look like outside our routine, for example you keep on doing math whole day, then maybe you do not know about the world of arts because you do not even give an attention to it. So i think that it is better for us to peek a little an outside world around our daily routine. That is not a bad thing, in fact you may loss a few of your time but you will gain something new as your experience.
In conclusion, i think it is better for us to try something new to develope ourselves not only in our routine but in other interseting activities as our valuable experience.

viciano lee XIBC