"Captain" TEGUH's logs.
Exchange of (translated into English) sms from me to Mr Indra Wiarsa (iw) on today, Dec. 25, 2009, as follows:
me: <8.04p.m.>
At a mall, rp 8,000 haircut, wash and blow. Can't find anywhere cheaper than (name of salon)! BTW, what is Koln (Germany) famous of, cheese, chocolate or what? A friend is there.
iw: <8.08p.m.>
There is a museum of chocolate at Koln & Kolnisch beer is superb with low alcohol. Great cheese is everywhere in Europe with its rich variety. The great chocolate production is in Spain.
me: <8.34p.m. sent to 2 friends and a cousin>
1st time incident with *clipper! Requested a 3-cm cut fr the tip of the hair, n what did I get?
1st: The "barbar" (not barber, ho ho) did a 3-cm cut from the bottom. I thought it was ok.
2nd: Taking off my glasses. I noted sthng wrong. There was a shining scalp! It turned out she used a 10mm/1cm clipper! I am Mike Tyson now!
iw: (8.44p.m.)
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Ha ha ha ha ha ....
My suggestion ---> take picture then publish it @Friendster, Facebook, etc. Bisa gempar deh ...
BEFORE (used to be like this)

AFTER (gosh! Am I handsome or what?!)

me: (8.52p.m.)
Another tale of Shaolin monk then :) great idea!
What added to the irony was (in a supermarket in the mall--tg) there was (boy band) ANGKASA's "Jangan ada Dusta di Antara Kita" (meaning: No lies between us, popularized by the late Indonesian singer, Broery Pesolima, said the cashier--tg) with lyrics,
"Here I am, I appreciate your decision" ("Aku begini adanya, kuhargai keputusanmu ...")
Don't be "**Luna Maya part 2". Ngomel2 di blogs. Gee! Tomorrow there will be Batch 1999 reunion (of SMAK 1 PENABUR Jakarta) Ich liebe Kojak (I love Kojak, a famous old American detective--tg)
iw: (8:57p.m.)
Arrrrgh..., a Christmas amusement, causing to laugh like this. Let's meet so we can have better laughs (Wadoah..., hiburan dihari Natal, bisa ketawa kayak gini. Ketemu d biar bisa ketawa lbh asik. Coba pake jubah ato jas hujan d sblm difoto)
me: (9p.m.)
Ho ho (ooops, raincoat? Bombay film cries. Yeah. When will we have a rendezvous with Mr. BG cs (BG = Bambang Gunawan--tg). BTW, I'm in the spirit of writing it in sirteguh.blogspot.com :) gutten nacht/ Good nite.
* Clipper (in a beauty salon) =
a hair cutter, usu. for males, with different clips to select from the size of 3mm., 6mm., 10mm. and 15mm
**Luna Maya (incident) has something to do with a December incident of an actress, complaining in a twitter, which was then sued
1 comment:
You should've told me before. I could have given you even more surprising comments ^_^
Just do it again, pak Teguh
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