Today Jan. 27th, 2012 birthday lunch by Mr Markiano (middle, back) @Samudra Rasa, Kelapa Gading

2nd BB Group of (ex) SMAK1 Jkt teachers @Mediterania 2 apartments: mine, Ms Melissa's & Ms Padmikha's. Seen in the pic is our Holland celebrity, Madame Yvonne (back, far right), ex-SMAK1 Jkt Counselor.

My new Jan.2012 haircut @Johnny Andrean training school, Ciputraland Mall

My family dinner treat on me in January 2012 for **20 years of being a PENABUR staff/teacher by Dec. 7th, 2011.

My Sunday activity @GKY Kebayoran: no choirmaster, here's master Teguh! Just joking.

A relaxing late afternoon by Mediterania 2 pool :p

SMPK 2 student of class 7C creatively copied a Word List of a Longman Penguin series story with her laptop camera, January 2012

Mr. Djudjun (left) leads a prayer during a lunch bash to celebrate **my 20-year teaching @PENABUR by Dec 7th, 2011.
Reflection: 1 month of 2012 has just passed & the Chinese New Year of Dragon has just entered. Well, this 2012 has certainly
had me plan for at least 4 resolutions:
1. Change of jobs (starting Jan.2012 as SMPK 2 English teacher (2days) & SMPK 7 teacher (1day) &still handling teacher training, esp. ANY English training, from the Foundation secretariat for 2working days)
2. Change of religion (starting February 2012 applying for adult baptism from GKY Kebayoran)
3. Bandung Postgraduate study recess (no more scholarship, need a rest for both my heart & fund till August 2012)
4. My July 2012 new status (confidential, lah)
Wish me luck, guys! Wish me a long, long life to realize these resolutions.

One BB group SMAK1 Jkt teacher gathering @ UPH doctor of physics Eric's house

October 2011 ECG/ electrocardiograph examination
@Bio Medika for my heavy breathing indication. Previous diabetes problem is also a bonus! :p

My latest photo today by Mediterania 2
West Jakarta swimming pool--my 3rd home, and
last one, I guess. Thy will be done.
Career Memories ....
**1st time being a teacher:
SDK PENABUR Bintaro (SDK 7, 4hours) with then Principal Ms. Lisia Setiadi (now Principal of SDK 11 Sunrise), in 1991 with starting salary 35,000 rupiahs (mom laughed at me, enough for Kebayoran home transport to Bintaro Puspita then).
Next @SMAK 1 for 8years, & SMAK 7 Jkt as a vice-principal for 3years & 1 year as a teacher plus foundation staff/English coordinator since 2003, taking master degree (on scholarships).
Since 2005 in Bandung, being its foundation staff & teachers @SMPK5, SMAK3, SMAK2 & SMAK 1 Bandung--the last with both tjen Principal Mr Iwan & the next year Ms Boni as the latest Principal.
Finally, since 2008/2009, I have been back to Jakarta secretariat as the English training coordinator with 2bosses Ms Ester Lesmana and Ms Debora E. Kana, while completing last year teaching SMAK1 Bandung Bilingual programme till 2009, ending at SMPK 7 Jakarta (6hours) with Principal Ester Junianti since January 2012 also SMPK2 Jakarta (12 hours) starting this January 2012 with Principal Mr Supanna. What a long, long period of working with PENABUR, eh, not to mention with LBA Atma Jaya (2 periods), Ukrida Accountancy Dept (1period) & SMP Regina Pacis Jakarta (3.5years). What a career, eh?
Wah, komplit nih ceritanya. ^^ wish u luck, Sir !
35000 rp tahun 91 lumayan gede. Waktu itu saya msh smp, uang jajan saya cuma 2000 rp.
Sir, I'm student from SMPK 2. I always supporting you. Cai you
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