Hi, my high school students and blog readers,
I have known about "Earth Hour 2009"--a world efforts of switching off electricity for 1 hour at 20.30-21.30 local time tonite. It's just one Indonesian tv show, "Extravaganza",
awarded a Panasonic award just yesterday, is aired every Saturday nationwide 20.00-22.00. Miss you!
Mm ... guess it will take some efforts to tell my dad and others at home. Possibly reduce the use of electricity by 85-90% of regular use, excluding the fridge (user friendly, lah). This could be 100% as our Jakarta governor Fauzi Bowo planned to support Global Earth Hour 2009 by applying a partial blackout tonite. Read the Indonesian news:
awarded a Panasonic award just yesterday, is aired every Saturday nationwide 20.00-22.00. Miss you!
Mm ... guess it will take some efforts to tell my dad and others at home. Possibly reduce the use of electricity by 85-90% of regular use, excluding the fridge (user friendly, lah). This could be 100% as our Jakarta governor Fauzi Bowo planned to support Global Earth Hour 2009 by applying a partial blackout tonite. Read the Indonesian news:
Wow! Viva our Jakarta governor! Must be a tough task to persuade malls, apartments and factories to use their generator/ even experience some blackout, for sure.
Well, one suggestion from me:
Are we going to do it on "Good Friday" during the Christian's Easter week, or probably on some other international/ local holidays to reduce the CO2 emission?
My blog readers and students,
I think the information I quoted from today's Kompas Indonesian newspaper, Saturday, March 28 (page 13) titled "Satu Hari Utk Merawat Bumi" (meaning One Heart to Care For the Earth) is very worthwhile to read. The article can be clicked here:
Wow! Viva our Jakarta governor! Must be a tough task to persuade malls, apartments and factories to use their generator/ even experience some blackout, for sure.
Well, one suggestion from me:
Are we going to do it on "Good Friday" during the Christian's Easter week, or probably on some other international/ local holidays to reduce the CO2 emission?
My blog readers and students,
I think the information I quoted from today's Kompas Indonesian newspaper, Saturday, March 28 (page 13) titled "Satu Hari Utk Merawat Bumi" (meaning One Heart to Care For the Earth) is very worthwhile to read. The article can be clicked here:
Please COMMENT in the box of this posting, will you?
Next are at least three amazing figures and info for you, guys!
1. In Jakarta only, capital city of Indonesia, 284 tons of CO2 will be reduced
if Jakartan citizens switch off their electronics (and laptop, ho ho ho ...)
and light for one hour. Guess I'll be watching "Extravaganza" in dark
unless the Trans TV station joins the "Earth Hour 2009" movement. Wow!
2. 1,508 cities and towns in at least 80 countries have confirmed their involvement
in caring for our beloved Earth. What a figure!! Some of the cities are
London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Shang Hay, Moscow, Singapore and Sydney.
What a realistic and significant contribution from WWF to help preventing
from global warming and (-) climate change.
3. I read a special club in one college in Jakarta city called Climate Change Champion Club
of London School of Public Relations (LSPR) iniated to disseminate the news on WWF's
"Earth Hour 2009" through leaflets, posters and even banner. The website
http://www.earthhour.org/ even suggested the use of, to mention some, facebook, flicker,
and blogs. I'm posting this, too, to my friendster bulletin in a minute.
As an English teacher of two of at least 133 schools of BPK PENABUR in
4 Indonesian provinces, and as one of SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Jakarta's three school
coordinators of the British Council project "Climate Change Challenge", at least I could
help to spread the knowledge within the team's projects and through this blogs.
Wish my students at SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong (Brilliant Class) to read
my blogs as the dormitory is online 24 hours for internet access via their notebook. Guys, please drop your comments in my posting, okay?
Next are at least three amazing figures and info for you, guys!
1. In Jakarta only, capital city of Indonesia, 284 tons of CO2 will be reduced
if Jakartan citizens switch off their electronics (and laptop, ho ho ho ...)
and light for one hour. Guess I'll be watching "Extravaganza" in dark
unless the Trans TV station joins the "Earth Hour 2009" movement. Wow!
2. 1,508 cities and towns in at least 80 countries have confirmed their involvement
in caring for our beloved Earth. What a figure!! Some of the cities are
London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Shang Hay, Moscow, Singapore and Sydney.
What a realistic and significant contribution from WWF to help preventing
from global warming and (-) climate change.
3. I read a special club in one college in Jakarta city called Climate Change Champion Club
of London School of Public Relations (LSPR) iniated to disseminate the news on WWF's
"Earth Hour 2009" through leaflets, posters and even banner. The website
http://www.earthhour.org/ even suggested the use of, to mention some, facebook, flicker,
and blogs. I'm posting this, too, to my friendster bulletin in a minute.
As an English teacher of two of at least 133 schools of BPK PENABUR in
4 Indonesian provinces, and as one of SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Jakarta's three school
coordinators of the British Council project "Climate Change Challenge", at least I could
help to spread the knowledge within the team's projects and through this blogs.
Wish my students at SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong (Brilliant Class) to read
my blogs as the dormitory is online 24 hours for internet access via their notebook. Guys, please drop your comments in my posting, okay?
P.S. Please don't tell me as "naught and tricky". I even set my email vacation response in my Yahoo! account for 2 days from March 28-29, 2009 (GMT +07.00), pleading for supports of "Earth Hour 2009", ho ho ho ....
Also, I sent sms/text to 15 of my Bandung and Jakarta students, as well as sending emails to all the four teams (16 students) of our SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Bandung city, joining the Climate Change projects from the British Council. Their website, blogs and comics are soon to be uploaded. I'll notify you about this.
Earth hour = sleep hour.
What can we do during that boring hour??
Point number one sir, "laptop"?
I think I can charge it and use it during the earth hour hahaha.
Even I can't use the internet..
i am very agree that earth hour can save our earth..
but do you think a hour is enough?
i think it doesn't enough..
but if earth hour duration is 2 or 3 hour may be just a little people take a part..
how can we save our lovely earth??
-lilie fransiska XBC
Earth hour..
It sounds great, I think it will make the world better. What a pity that the Earth Hour program only one hour. We will feel how we can survive without electricity.
I think I will spend my time for sleep because I only have a little time for sleep these days...
Happy Earth Hour all...
Nowadays the Earth has been in its way to destruction and rotten. It's our job to prevent it happens.
Well, I think that Earth Hour is one of the best move that we has done to restrain our beloved Earth from doom.
Hope that we would get more chance to save our Earth
Earth Hour is an international event organised by the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund).
i think earth hour can help our earth to prevent global warming.
but, it's just not enough if we turn off our electricity for only 1 hour.
But, now humans in towns, can't live without electricity, therefore, we do this only once a year.
at least this is our effort to prevent global warming.
I think Earth Hour is a very good idea. Global warming is not a myth, but it is a fact. I hope that many people will support this program. I also think that we must reduce the use of electricity during not only the Earth Hour, but also every day. During Earth Hour, we will probably turn off almost all electronic devices, but in our daily life every day, we can also reduce the use of electricity by not using the electricity excessively. Let us support the Earth Hour together and give our lovely Earth a little time to take a deep breath.
Noah Riandiputra
X BC/15
SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong
blackout? wow it's so cool. I'm sure it has a lot of benefits.
But can we do it for a long time?
Fortunately, this event just takes an hour long.
After I read this blog, I'm really certain that this event really helps in order to conserve the world environment.
To tell the truth, this event needs our desires to do it.
Earth Hour won't be success if there's no awareness from each of us to do that.
So, what are you waiting for?
Just prepare for the Earth Hour and turn off the electricity during that time!
Have a nice night to be spent.
God bless you all. ^^
-Joses XBC / 09-
sir, sorry that I'm late, I've just visit my brother in the hospital and get back to home at 06:30.
About the earth hour?
I don't think it's a good idea.
For me, it's better to do it one minute a day for the whole year, then Make it only once but with a long time. hehe...
It won't be more effective unless everyone think:
"if only me who don't do it, I think it will be ok.."
will you do it too?
Sorry sir I'm late.
Wow!! I think it's a good idea to do the earth hour. Even it'll blacked out for 1 hour, I think it'll save our earth from worse effects.
Let's support the earth hour not just for today but everyday. Maybe it's not to blacked out all but just reduce our usage of electricity.
Let's save our earth from the global warming!! ^^
And for Sir Teguh, thank you for inform us about this and support us to do this. I bet that the 'earth' will love you Sir. hehe.
GBU Sir.. ^^
The first thing I heard about "Earth Hour" program, is a partial blackout...
One long hour of partial blackout...
Enough of the brief introduction...
There are many ways to save our one and only world, and some of them are written in my blog (hehe)
Earth Hour is one simple way to save our earth...
An hour is long enough to reduce about 284 tons of CO2 in Jakarta
(taken from Mr. Teguh's blog)
What if the whole earth turn off the light for one hour...
284*(1508+X)= Really Big
And the "Really Big" number of CO2 that we are going reduce can help the earth, our earth, from the danger of Global Warming...
Suppose the Earth Hour program lasts for 2 hours. It means
2*[(284*(1508+X)] = Twice of the "Really Big" number...
It really helps...
But one hour is already long enough of to make us realize how elecricity works on our daily life.
Well... That's everything I can share... for now...
Let's participate in the Earth Hour program to save our earth!!!
"One World, that's what all of us have in common"
X-BC / 12
sorry sir,just came back from AIME training and a relative's house nearby.
Well,I am not quite an 'environmental' person, and i think that this 'Earth Hour' thing is not essential.
It's said that earth hour may reduce blablabla tons of CO2, IF ONLY Jakartan citizens switch off their electronics (and laptop, ho ho ho ...)
and light for one hour.
(sorry for the copy paste,hehe)
and I am positive that not 50% of them will do.
Earth Hour, with such huge publication (which sure costs huge number of money,too) seems just like a once-a-year-ritual.
Most people still use the usual amount of electricity on the other days.
Samuel said,
"For me, it's better to do it one minute a day for the whole year, then Make it only once but with a long time. hehe..."
(sorry for another copy paste)
I think it's better for WWF to encourage the schools to turn off all their electricity in 10 minutes or so, once a week. Or one minute a day like samjah said, if possible.
Besides reducing the CO2, for elementary and kindergarten kids who has not known the reason, and sure will be curious, they will get the proper answer from their teachers.
Why schools?
because students obey their teachers.
they can't do anything with the school rules.
and oh, maybe offices will do to.
sir teguh...
I'm really sorry for being this late, because I had to gathered with my family.
earth hour...
that's brilliant...!!
so that we could give the earth an opportunity to take a rest even for a while..
i love being blind for an hour..
no doubt, let's turn off the light, the tv with "extravaganza show", and the air conditioner for our earth..
almost forgot, thanks for mr.teguh for such an valuable information..
Thanks, guys! What wonderful insights Patricia and Leonz (Leonard) contributed! Thanks, too, for Noah and Hate (Hans)'s ideas of saving energy not only today.
Keep up the spirit guys! Here is a present for you I found in Gramedia bookstore Pondok Indah Mall (PIM), South Jakarta just now.
Scientific American magazine,
special edition, US$ 4.9, or
Rp. 107,000
1. US President Obama's 2009
2. Investor John Doerr's
3. Biofuels
The Next (and better) Generation
Hi Sir!
I write this comment after the end of earth our.
I didn't get the feeling of earth hour in the dorm. Just want to share something, Mary dorm didn't turn off the lamps. (Guess why...)
Actually, the girls in the dorm really appreciate this event and really want to help save the world by joining earth hour.
We also had try to turn off all the lamps in the dorm.
But, yeah... Like I said before...
Mary dorm did not turn off all lamps.
This can be an example for Patricia's comment: "and I am positive that not 50% of them will do."
How can we have the desire to reduce the use of electricity every day if only one hour every year can't be done?
I think this event also can test the people if they care about the earth.
I quote from someone in the dorm:
"For what you turn off all the electricity just one hour? It's useless. I had reduce use of electricity everyday."
And for me, that's a big question.
Is she really reduce the use of electricity everyday?
Hi sir. sorry for being late.
Is it a assignment for us?
I hope it's not.
About the earth hour, actually I really agree with this programme. But, I think we also can do some little things to help our earth. example : turn off the light in our class during the break.
It really helps a lot.
great idea for save our earth.. even just 1 hour in a year, i think it effective because many countries have known about earth hour.. after pass this event, maybe there are many others creative thinking to save our earth.. some comments above include new thinking.. right?? hehe..
I think that this earth hour program will be more worthed if this program is not only done in one specific day. It would be better to create this earth saving program once in two months or even once in a month. I think it would be much more worthed. I agree with this, as we could make our earth a better living place to be. Well, this might be one of the our way to save our earth, but I'm sure that there are quite a lot of things to do, why don't we do a little change in our live to save our earth such as recycling? Little change for a bigger effect.. ^^V
Alvin Vimala/X-BC
sir, feel sorry for this lateness.
i just know this now sir, from Joses.
yesterday, i serach for this work in the "brilliant student's work" sheet, and i couldn't found it.
i thought you forgot to entered our work..
^^v really sorry sir..
(i'm not lying sir.. you may asked another stud..)
about yesterday earth hour, I thought that thing was useless.
many of the brilliant students lit the candles (candle reducing the O2 and producing CO2). i already tell them but the result was, they felt angry with me.(hohooho...)
okay, they were turning the electricity off, but, they went to the Lukas dorm and use candle so that they could play card games. not only candle, but CANDLES!! they lit 2 candles at once, and both of the candles was close to each others (the distances was only 2-3 cm).
i thought it was useless because, the reason of this event was to reduce the CO2 about 284 tons, blablabla... but people turned the lights off and used candle.
but, many people didn't do it. even they now they had to turned the light off for our lovely world, they still didn't turned it off.
many people said that "it's only an hour and only a day. what's for? nothing will change. something will change if only we do it everyday. if people from every nations, countries, cities, race, do it too."
and, i had the same thinking with them.
but, i still participated this event, for them who not realized yet that this world is on it's limit, so they can understand.
and, hopefully, not just yesterday, i hope tommorow will be better. an hour is not enough for saving this world from the doomsday.
Sorry sir I was late...
Earth Hour..
My family and I did it last Saturday. Actually I didn't see my neighborhoods switched off their lamps.
60 minutes EARTH HOUR program means we save 3 trees and reduce CO2 in the air so much. EARTH HOUR also helps us to reduce the use of electricity. How wonderful it is.
So, I hope I can see EARTH HOUR program again in the near future
I hope there will be more advertisements for earth hour next year.. Because there are still many people that are clueless about this program.. Nevertheless.. I hope earth hour has helped to save our earth with making us aware of the 'sinking' earth..
I think one hour is not enough. May be it will reduce the global warming, but just for one hour. If then we use the electronics in barbarian way, so it is useless. I think the best way is reduce the use of electronics everyday.
Sir, I'm very sorry that I post this comment very very long time after this deadline :D
Well, about the earth hour, because many of them already talk about blahblahblah about that, I want to talk something different, but still connected to earth hour.
From what I read from KOMPAS, I think most of the Indonesians itself successfully applied earth hour, not only 1 hour every day, but they do almost the other, only less than half day they use they electricity, for most day every month, even most of them didn't use the electricity at all, why? because didn't even linked to PLN at all, moving through night only from stars and moon, and some of them are forced to blackout because the carelessness of PLN. So I concluded that Most of the Indonesians "very" earth friendly.
Although only some Indonesians use the electricity for thousands home, even match the use of industry (don't know what they use for). Which mean, the organizer of earth hour didn't use very much money for advertising earth hour. After all, like cia said, only some of them would turn off the switch
Evan A.
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