Friday, December 25, 2009

2009 Xmas tragedy ... my HAIR!

My Dec. 25, 2009 new LOOK by accident!

"Captain" TEGUH's logs.

Exchange of (translated into English) sms from me to Mr Indra Wiarsa (iw) on today, Dec. 25, 2009, as follows:

me: <8.04p.m.>
At a mall, rp 8,000 haircut, wash and blow. Can't find anywhere cheaper than (name of salon)! BTW, what is Koln (Germany) famous of, cheese, chocolate or what? A friend is there.

iw: <8.08p.m.>
There is a museum of chocolate at Koln & Kolnisch beer is superb with low alcohol. Great cheese is everywhere in Europe with its rich variety. The great chocolate production is in Spain.

me: <8.34p.m. sent to 2 friends and a cousin>
1st time incident with *clipper! Requested a 3-cm cut fr the tip of the hair, n what did I get?
1st: The "barbar" (not barber, ho ho) did a 3-cm cut from the bottom. I thought it was ok.
2nd: Taking off my glasses. I noted sthng wrong. There was a shining scalp! It turned out she used a 10mm/1cm clipper! I am Mike Tyson now!

iw: (8.44p.m.)
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Ha ha ha ha ha ....
My suggestion ---> take picture then publish it @Friendster, Facebook, etc. Bisa gempar deh ...

BEFORE (used to be like this)

AFTER (gosh! Am I handsome or what?!)

me: (8.52p.m.)
Another tale of Shaolin monk then :) great idea!
What added to the irony was (in a supermarket in the mall--tg) there was (boy band) ANGKASA's "Jangan ada Dusta di Antara Kita" (meaning: No lies between us, popularized by the late Indonesian singer, Broery Pesolima, said the cashier--tg) with lyrics,
"Here I am, I appreciate your decision" ("Aku begini adanya, kuhargai keputusanmu ...")
Don't be "**Luna Maya part 2". Ngomel2 di blogs. Gee! Tomorrow there will be Batch 1999 reunion (of SMAK 1 PENABUR Jakarta) Ich liebe Kojak (I love Kojak, a famous old American detective--tg)

iw: (8:57p.m.)
Arrrrgh..., a Christmas amusement, causing to laugh like this. Let's meet so we can have better laughs (Wadoah..., hiburan dihari Natal, bisa ketawa kayak gini. Ketemu d biar bisa ketawa lbh asik. Coba pake jubah ato jas hujan d sblm difoto)

me: (9p.m.)
Ho ho (ooops, raincoat? Bombay film cries. Yeah. When will we have a rendezvous with Mr. BG cs (BG = Bambang Gunawan--tg). BTW, I'm in the spirit of writing it in :) gutten nacht/ Good nite.

* Clipper (in a beauty salon) =
a hair cutter, usu. for males, with different clips to select from the size of 3mm., 6mm., 10mm. and 15mm
**Luna Maya (incident) has something to do with a December incident of an actress, complaining in a twitter, which was then sued

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should've told me before. I could have given you even more surprising comments ^_^

Just do it again, pak Teguh