Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Feb 16 reading assignment: a 100-word summary of an online magazine article (deadline: Feb. 15, 2010)

Dear Year 11,
After today's 30-minute exercise of writing a 50-word summary of Reader's Digest, National Geographic magazine OR Newsweek magazine from SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong library, here is your Valentine/IMLEK/Chinese new year's "gift" ... one assigment due date Feb. 15, 2010. The details are as follows:

Write a 100-word summary of an article of at least 2 pages,
from one of the following magazines:
a. http://www.sciam.com/sciammag/ (Scientific America)
b. http://www.rd.com/ (Reader's Digest)
c. http://www.ngm.com/ (National Geographic Magazine)
One example of the article is:
http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/big-idea/07/mars &

The article must be the 2010 issues/ editions.

Please include the complete/exact LINK of the article, please, like
last April 2009 assignment at my blogs for last year grade 11:
