Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1-week assignment for both Year 10 & 11

Hi, guys, thanks for the bunches of assignment. Wow! It's going to keep me 2 weeks of checking, phew! Well, now here is the 1-week assignment as I am not teaching you next Tue., May 5, 2009.
Wednesday, May 13,2009 (Year 10)

Deadline: Thursday, May 14,2009 (Year 11)
due to Cambridge Math Paper 1 Exam on May 13

1. Year 10: From what I am sharing you today
about a novel review today,
and based on the Penguin series book
you've borrowed:
a. Write a 200-word review on the PLOTS.
b. Pick one protagonist OR one antagonist
and review their character in around 100 words.

2. Year 11: Summary on 2 articles of the magazines (online/
found in the library) with around 150 words/each summary.
You may find the online link of the magazines from:

a. ONE news item from either
http://www.sciam.com/sciammag/ (Scientific America)
OR http://online.wsj.com/ (Wall Street Journal)

b. One article from either
http://www.rd.com/ (Reader's Digest),
OR http://www.ngm.com/ (National Geographic Magazine)

Please include the complete/exact LINK of the article, please.

Thanks, guys!


Anonymous said...

The Hunchback of Notre-dame
The hunchback of Notre-dame is a man named Quasimodo, who has a very ugly face and a hump on his back. He lives with a priest, Father Claude Frollo. One day, the priest saw a very beautiful gypsy girl and fell for her. She is Esmeralda and she lives with her goat. She loved the Officer of the King’s Guard named Phobeus. One night, when they were together the priest tried to kill Phobeus and ran away. Esmeralda was very shocked and faint. After that night, she was the most suspected man who kills Phobeus. And the judge had decided to hang her. She was hopeless. On the day of hanging, the priest gave ask her to save her life, but she refused him abruptly. So the priest left that place sadly. Quasimodo who had been helped by Esmeralda a long time ago, catch her and saved her life. He gave her a place to sleep safely. Soon, Father Frollo knows that Esmeralda was in the church and he plan something to make her love him. But everything went wrong, Esmeralda still love phobeus and she was caught by the king’s guard and hang. Quasimodo who saw it on the top of the church, get angry and push father Frollo until he fell. Quasimodo realized that he had murdered father Frollo and he was very sad and disappeared. Years later, the soldiers found two skeletons in the grounds of the murderers. It was Quasimodo and Esmeralda.

Quasimodo is the protagonist in the story. He is a very ugly man with a hump on his back. Everybody thought he is a devil because of his ugly face, so there are nobody wants to near him. He lives with Father Claude Frollo, who took him when he was a baby. Father Frollo took care of him and teach him to speak, read, and write. But when he was older, Father Frollo gave him a job as a bellringer and it make him deaf. After that, he stopped speaking, he only talked to Father Frollo. He only can hear the sound of the bell, it is his only best friend.

patriciajonatan said...

Forrest Gump was no ordinary man. Apart from his big and strong body and overwhelming talents he possessed from nowhere, Forrest, who was rather mentally ill—so called idiot—had through the most uncommon life; being a footballer then a soldier in Vietnam, meeting the President of United States, going into space, being BFF to a male ape called Sue. Since his childhood, Forrest had adored his one and only female friend, Jenny Currant. They used to be primary schoolmates, but due to Forrest’s mental condition, they had to part. This is also the reason of his frequent job changes; Forrest was an idiot who messed every job he had. Nevertheless, they kept bumping into each other after several months or years after their last goodbyes. Forrest and Jenny came to love each other, but the circumstances parted them with Forrest Jr., their kid, stayed with his mom and her new husband. Forrest, who finally knew about this fact, instead of fell into a disappointment for Jenny’s decision to marry another man, was really relieved to see his kid perfectly fine and not an idiot like him. And for their better life, Forrest let both Jenny and little Forrest to stay with the other man.
“An idiot? Yes, I’m an idiot. But most of the time I just try to do the right thing.” –Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump
The main protagonist is the big tall Forrest Gump. From my point of view, he was such a lovely and caring man who tried to do the best in everything he did. And to keep loving one woman since his primary school, I am sure that he was a faithful man. He may be mentally ill—he was so simple-minded that he messed up almost everything—yet he got such gentle heart that always hoped for everybody’s best. I believe that it was his kindness that brought him such gifts—his strength, talent in music, and mastery in chess. God sure is pretty fair.

Johan said...

Dear Mr. Teguh..
Here is my plot and the character of protagonist in "The Incredible Journey"...


The book which titled “The Incredible Journey” mostly talk about the three home pets that were left by their masters. One day they missed their master very much so they decided to run away from Longridge’s house and started their great and dangerous adventure to the west. In the journey, they met some troubles like the bears, the float and unfriendly people but they had to struggle and looked after themselves. In the middle of the journey, they also met some people that love animals, friendly and with pleasure took care of them for a while because they had to continue their journey. After an exhausted and long journey and after a lot of pain that they have got, finally, they found their master that have lost their three lovely pets. At the end of the story, all of them were happy again and could enjoy their holiday with their beloved pets. To conclude, there are some moral points that we can learn from this story. The story tells us not to be arrogant and have a bad ego, but we have to be loyal to our friends and have a willing sacrifice. Remember that we don’t live alone on this earth, but we live together with other people, so... should we ignore them?


The protagonist that I’ll tell you is Tao, Susan’s Siamese cat, although he was afraid of water, he was able in fighting, swimming and hunting for food. He was egoist at the first time, but later on, he became more and more care about his friends. He gave his food to the old terrier, and he didn’t think of what will happen to him if he attack the bear in the forest, the only thought in his head was to protect his friend who was in danger. He was willing to sacrifice, loyal and care to his friends, since he was a cat, he was very curious too.


Johan said...

This is my revision Mr. Teguh Santoso


The book which is titled “The Incredible Journey” mostly talks about the three home pets that were left by their masters. One day they missed their masters very much, so they decided to run away from Longridge’s house and started their great and dangerous adventures to the west. In the journey, they met some troubles such as the bears, the float, and unfriendly people but they had to struggle and looked after themselves. With the power of friendship, they could defeat the bears together. They also could survive from the float and could meet again each other with the help of their animal instincts. In the middle of the journey, they met some people that loved animals, friendly and with pleasure took care of them for a while because they had to continue their journey. Although they met some unkindly people who chased them away, but they were still strong and reinforced each other. After an exhausted and long journey and after a lot of pain that they had got, finally, they found their master that had lost their three lovely pets. At the end of the story, all of them were happy again and could enjoy their holiday with their beloved pets.


The protagonist that I’ll tell you is Tao, Susan’s Siamese cat, although he was afraid of water, he was able in fighting, swimming and hunting for food. He was egoist at the first time, but later on, he became more and more care about his friends. He gave his food to the old terrier, and he didn’t think of what will happen to him if he attack the bear in the forest, the only thought in his head was to protect his friend who was in danger. He was willing to sacrifice, loyal and care to his friends, since he was a cat, he was very curious too.


loren said...

Plots :
Hermia and Lysander were in love. But Demetrius had permission to marry Hermia from her father. So Hermia and Lysander planned to meet in a palace wood and go to marry in somewhere outside Athen. They told to Helena (Hermia’s friend) about their plan. Helena love Demetrius, she told their plan to him and hoped that Demetrius could understand that he would only ever found true love with her.
Demetrius went to the wood followed by Helena. Demetrius asked Helena to go away from him but Helena still followed him. Oberon, king of fairies felt pity to Helena, he asked Puck, the fairy, to get the purple magic flower and give it to him. If its juice poured on sleeping eyes, people would fall in love with the next living creature they saw. Then, Oberon asked Puck to find a young Athenian man, Demetrius, and put the juice to his eye when he was sleeping and be sure that he saw the girl who’s followed him.
Puck found a young Athenian man, Lysander, and poured the juice to his eyes when he’s sleeping. When he was awake, he saw Helena and fall in love with her and he hate Hermia. Helena was angry because she though that Lysander was making fun of her. When Hermia was awake, she shocked because she couldn’t found Lysander. She though that Demetrius killed him, she was angry to Demetrius.
Oberon found that Puck poured the juice to wrong person. He asked Puck to found Helena and Lysander and bring them to him as soon as he could. Oberon poured the juice to Demetrius. When he was awake he saw Helena was followed by Lysander. They both love Helena and they went into the wood to fight. Helena though that three of them was planned to make a joke, she was angry.
Oberon asked Puck to filled the forest with thick, dark mist and guide them to different path. He also asked him to poured another flower’s juice to them when they were sleeping. The juice would take away the magic power and when they were awake, everything would seem like a dream.
When they were awake, Hermia and Lysander were in love again, and Demetrius realize that he never stopped love Helena, so he refused to marry Hermia.

Protagonist :
Hermia is Egeus’ daughter. She is very beautiful. Her eyes are like star and her voice is as sweet as bird’s song. When she was at school, she often got angry so quickly. The other girls were frightened of her. She’s small, but she’s as brave as lion. She is in love with Lysander, but the one who has her father permission to marry her is Demetrius. She try to maintain her love with Lysander. So Hermia and Lysander decide to go to Lysander’s aunt’s house outside Athen and marry there.

Noah Riandiputra said...

By: William Shakespeare

Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, was a brave soldier. One day, he gave victory to Scotland after defeating the King of Norway. King Duncan, the King of Scotland, was pleased and he decided to stay in Macbeth's castle, the Castle of Inverness, for a night. When Macbeth was on his way home, he met the three witches. The witches said that he would be king, and he started to think about murdering Duncan. In the middle of the night, when Duncan was asleep in his castle, Macbeth committed the murder secretly. Soon, Macbeth was crowned and he became the King of Scotland. Prince Malcolm, the Prince of Cumberland, the son of Duncan, ran away to England and lived there with King Edward, the King of England. Macduff, the Thane of Fife, felt suspicious to Macbeth, and he went to England to get help to fight against Macbeth. When he was in England, Macbeth sent his soldier to attack Macduff's castle and kill his family. Macduff was very angry and he wanted to kill Macbeth. King Edward sent 10,000 soldiers and Lord Seyward, Lord of Northumberland, to attack Macbeth. Finally, Macbeth was killed and Prince Malcolm became the King of Scotland.


Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, was loved, admired, and completely trusted by King Duncan. He was actually a fine man who had a terrible weakness, his political ambition. To fulfil his ambition, he murdered King Duncan and became the King of Scotland. To fulfil his ambition, he murdered King Duncan and became the King of Scotland. However, his ambition made him fell into more crime. After murdering Duncan, he also murdered many people who were suspicious for him. At the end of the story, he was a lonely man who was hated by everyone. Finally, he died as a tyrant.

Noah Riandiputra
X BC/15
SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong

Anonymous said...

Ice Baby (http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/05/mammoths/mueller-text/1)
Long time ago, in the end of the ice age there was a herd of mammoth. The mammoth mother was stunned on the warmth of the sun and did not aware that one of her baby was walking closer curiously to a river and slipped on the clay. The mother was shock and running toward the river when heard her baby screaming and coughing. The mother was panic but could do nothing, only watched her baby gone sadly.
On a morning in May 2007, Yuri Khudi and his three sons found a corpse on a sandbar on the Yuribey River. They had never seen the animal before but they knew that it was a mammoth. They did not touch it because they believed that mammoths are dangerous omens. Then Khudi travelled to a small town of Yar Sale to meet his friend, Kirill Serotetto who was better acquainted with the outside world and asked him for help. But when they arrived on the sandbar, the mammoth had gone.

Swine Flu reaches Japan (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124184218109303271.html)
A teacher and two Japanese students who recently came back from Canada and found to be infected in Narita International Airport upon the preliminary test of swine flu were quarantined and isolated in a hospital near the airport. It is shaking news because Japan is previously known as swine flu-free country among the Asian countries.
Japan’s health minister, Yoichi Masuzoe, in a conference in Tokyo May 9, 2009 asked people to stay calm and he told that the Japan Government has done the best despite of the limitations with sending the teams of doctor to major airports to check the passengers and avoid the spreading of the virus by monitoring the people who return from other country.
Australia also confirmed its first case of swine flu and eighteen people who are waiting for the result whether they are infected or not.

natasiayosua said...

Falling Leaves
True story by: Adeline Yen Mah
Assignment by: Natasia Yosua

The Yen Family was a very happy family before Jeanne Virginie Prosperi, a European young lady, entered the family as the new wife of Joseph Yen since the death of his first wife, Ren Yong Ping. She took charge and became the head of the famiy. She never cared for her 5 step children, especially the youngest, Adeline Yen Mah.
Adeline often treated differently from her 3 older siblings because of her brave behavior towards her step mother. She was not given any Christmas presents, she wasn’t allowed to invite her school friends home, she was sent alone to a little town to continue her school, her biggest brother often bullied her, she wasn’t given any pocket money, and many more unfair treats from the members of her own family. But she never desperate and had a big dream to make her father proud of her. After finished high school, she was sent to England and went to a medical school for eleven years and became a young doctor in the age of 26. She married a professor in England and had a happy family.
A couple of years later, both her father and step mother were died because of illness. At the end of the story, Adeline found her father’s will which said that she got a part from his wealth and it explained that her father’s love to her was never fade.

Adeline Yen Mah was never wanted by her own family because her mother was died after gave her birth. She was believed brought unluckiness to the family and often abused. The condition built a strong character to Adeline. At school, she was so smart that she always got A’s, the best student in school, and once the president of the class. To her family, Adeline always forgave what they had done to her, respected her parents, and never complained for the unfair treats. She also was a loyal wife for her husband and a lovable mother for her two kids. In her whole life, she always wanted her father to be proud of her.

Ricky said...

How to Build Nanotech Motors

Nowadays, many scientists in this world are searching for the new method in microsurgery which was inspired by the living cells in our complicated body. They founded nanocars which would be injected into the human body to detect, locate, and even neutralize the cause of the illness. But, this nanocars is not like another cars that powered by engine under their hood. They just moved because the nanocar was jostled by the human cells and collided by them as it does the Brownian motion – the random motion of a particle because the random collision around it – which was caused by the scientists are know how to create them, but they did not know how to power them to make them swim someday. If we could find and develop this method, our world surely would be cured by the most famous technology – nanotechnology – that each people were racing to dig about.


How to Make Up Your Mind to Succeed

We are created as the most worthy creature in the world are perfectly set by our various emotion and intelligence. Carol Dweck, psychologist from Stanford University learnt that we could distinguish two kinds of mind sets. They are fixed mind set and growth mind set. Fixed mind set based on the belief that you were born and chosen to have that ability. The fixed mind set see failure as a personal mistake. We are all born with growth mind sets, and the growth mind sets sees failure not as fault but as a precious experience. As the life is going on, peoples are needed to grow to be more discipline person, which cause some of parents and other “parents” in our daily life keep pushing us to be a greater person by using the wrong way to educate us. For example, it is better to say not good than bad.


Teguh Santoso said...

Hi, everybody!
Thanks a lot for early submission of your assignment, esp. for:
1. Year 11
Manoel & Ricky.
It is interesting to read Ricky's
on how scientists found nanocars
to run in HUMAN BODY, wow!

2. Year 10
Ilona, Patricia, Johan,
Laurensia, Natasia & Noah.
Mm ... Noah, as usual, came with
the unique character analysis,
choosing an ANTAGONIST. It was
also one of very original synopysis
as sir could not find in "google"
some phrases you wrote, ho ho ...
except "The witches said that he would be king".

Viciano said...

hai sir.teguch..
i've read about "forrset gump" and it really touched me(should i said that?)
here's the plot and protagonist character.

Forrest gump was something different, he colud think things Ok, but when he had to write it, say it, or express it, it come out all wrong. he was an unusual man with huge and strong body, but apart it, he was an idiot. He started his school in an ordinary school but as the time goes by, he was moved to many other places, of course the reason is that he couldn’t make a good relationship with other student, except for one girl called jenny currant, she always smiles to forrest and she was very nice. Due to forrest condition, they had to part. Forrest went into many adventures and he was good in all that adventures, such as football game, vietnam war, met the president, became a spaceman of NASA, make a friend with a male ape called sue, and playing in chess tournamanet. Until he met janny currant again and they fell in love. Their relationship couldn’t get any longer since jenny know that she had forrest jr. So she left forrest and lived with ger new husband, after several years forrest finally knew that he had a boy named forrest too. By this time, he realised that it’s good for the kid to have a good father instead of the idiot father.

Protagonist character

Forrest gump was an unusual man with strong and huge body, but he was ill, not physically but mentally. He was actually very kind man and he care about anything around him, he doesn’t know how to angry and do something bad to other people. He always do anything with his best although sometimes it went all wrong. he had a gentle heart that hope for other’s best. With his kindess and his talents in football, chess, and many else i’m sure that he could be something importan for the surroundings.


Sam said...

The Incredible Journey

The story took place in Canada, where the environment was wild. In this story, Mr. Longridge had three pets. They were Tao, a beautiful Siamese cat, Luath, a proud, young, red-gold Labrador retriever who like to go hunting with him, and Bodger, the old, brave, white bull terrier, who’s ugly.
They were the hunters’ pet. The journey began when Mr. Longridge decided to go on a vacation. They decided to go back to their home. In the early hours, they looked healthy, walking faithfully through the country roads. They met many problems in their way. The first problem was bear. They met a big bear in their way, and after that, they met the nice Indians, who gave them food, and heal their injuries. Later they were invited to a dinner by an old man. But the old man forgot to give them food, so they’re out unhappily. Then they face a river, where Tao was swept with the flow of the river. They were sad, hugry , and sick. Then, later, Tao met Helvi, a loving girl, who take care of Tao. After that, Tao continued his journey, and been in a fight with another cat. Luckily, there was a hunter who has been looking for something to hunt, and the young boy shot the wild cat, and Tao was saved. Then, three of them met again , and continue their journey together. After Mr. Longridge got home, he searched for his pets, and called the police for help. Later, the Labrador, Tao, and Bodger get got home to the hunters, and they live happily.

Tao is a proud, Siamese cat who enjoys the journey with his friends. Tao is a brave cat who scared with water. Tao never feel good with water. He hates water; even he has to get wet to survive. Tao never give up. Tao was scared for the first time when he has to cross the river to get through. He is a skillful hunter, and almost succeeds every time he hunts something. He serves food for his friends in the journey. He is a brave and great fighter too.

Anonymous said...

Here is my revision sir.

The Hunchback of Notre-dame
The hunchback of Notre-dame is a man named Quasimodo, an ugly man that lived with a priest, Father Claude Frollo. One day, the priest saw a very beautiful gypsy girl and fell for her. She is Esmeralda. She loved the Officer of the King’s Guard named Phobeus. One night, when they were together the priest tried to kill Phobeus and ran away. Esmeralda was very shocked and faint. After that night, she was the most suspected man who kills Phobeus. And the judge had decided to hang her. She was hopeless. On the day of hanging, the priest gave ask her to save her life, but she refused him abruptly. So the priest left that place sadly. Quasimodo who had been helped by Esmeralda a long time ago, catch her and saved her life. He gave her a place to sleep safely. Soon, Father Frollo knew that Esmeralda was in the church and he plan something to make her love him. But everything went wrong, Esmeralda still love Phobeus and she was caught by the king’s guard and hung. Quasimodo, who saw it on the top of the church, got angry and push father Frollo. Quasimodo realized that he had murdered father Frollo and he was very sad and disappeared. Years later, the soldiers found two skeletons in the grounds of the murderers. It was Quasimodo and Esmeralda.

Quasimodo is the protagonist in the story. He is a very ugly man with a hump on his back. Everybody thought he was a devil because of his ugly face, so there is nobody wanted to near him. He lives with Father Claude Frollo, who took him when he was a baby. Father Frollo took care of him and teach him to speak, read, and write. But when he was older, Father Frollo gave him a job as a bellringer and it made him deaf. After that, he stopped speaking and only talked to Father Frollo. He only can hear the sound of the bell, it is his only best friend.

HaTe said...

Sir Teguh, this is my assignment. Thanks Sir.


“Joseph Buquet is dead!” “It was the opera ghost!” It was the panic condition of the players in the opera house when they knew that Joseph Buquet has died. It was just before Sorelli had his speech. “The Phantom of The Opera” by Gaston Leroux is a book that tells about an opera ghost who was Erik, a guy who was the “Angel of Music” of Christine Daae, a talented singer whom he loved. A criminal was done by Erik first because of the manager of the opera house, Monsieur Moncharmin and Monsieur Richard didn’t want to fulfill the opera ghost’s desire. Because of this, the opera ghost kill some people even audience. Besides of killing, he also made a panic by kidnapped Christine Daae. Raoul, a guy who loved Christine was willing to help her and he collaborated with a guy from Persia who was the Ghost’s life-saver several years ago. At last, the ghost, Erik wanted Christine to marry him and Christine must choose between Raoul and Erik. If Christine chose Raoul, everyone in the opera house would die because of the explosion. In that short time, Christine finally decided to marry the ghost. But finally, the ghost let Christine free with Raoul. They went to a far place. How about the opera ghost? How about the Persian guy who helped Raoul? This book is the best to answer those questions.

Protagonist :

A Persian guy at the opera house

The Persian guy at the opera house was a man who was always at the opera house. He is a man have a relation with Erik, the opera ghost. The Persian guy was a man who saved Erik’s life long time before Erik came to the opera house. This Persian guy was also the man who helped Raoul to save Christine Daae from Erik’s hand. At the last, he lost his consciousness when saving Christine. And after that, he was brought to his own room after Christine brought Raoul and him to a hospital. From the story, we can know that he is a kind-hearted man.

my amazing live said...

my amazing live siapa tuh?

Evan said...

Sir, here my assignment

The incredible journey

The story start in Canada, it's about three pets, Luath, a young golden retriever, bodger, an old bull terrier and Tao, a siamese cat, whose belong to a family. Because the family should go to England for nine months, and they can't bring their pets with them, so they ask one of their friend to take care of them. He agreed. But the pets were miss them very much. Until some days before the family pick the up, their pets rum away to the west, 400km of danger. On their journey, they meet bear, and peoples. They all very hungry and must hunt for themselves. They meet some people who took care of them, while some of them isn't. When the family's friends realise that the pets has gone very far, he must return them to the family tomorrow. He begin the searches. But until the family came, he still didn't found them. But he still had a plan, they make a picnic in some place, which was the place the pets's journey end. In the end, all of them are survive, and they make happy trip to home.


Luath is a proud red-gold retriever. On the journey, he help some of the hunting, although most of the catch is made by Tao. On the early journey, he help Bodger, whose exhausted due to old age and not adaptable to to long run. He also trying to save Tao from flash flood while crossing the river, but failed to do so.

Billy Sugiarto said...

Romeo and Juliet

The story began in the city called Verona, that located in the north of Italy. There were two important big families that lived there. they were the Capulets and the Montagues. Between these families, there were some conflicts so they became enemies. The Capulets and the Montagues were really great enemies. They were always fighting when they met in the streets, and this thing became trouble for the prince and the people in the town.
Then, someday, Romeo, the only son of the Montagues, met Juliet, the only daughter of the Capulets. As the time goes by, love started to bloom in their hearth. But, Juliet had been planned by her parents to marry Paris, the Prince of Verona’s relative. But, to stay together with Romeo, she made a plan so she could stay with Romeo and did not marry Paris. She planned to do a fake-death. But, the plan she has made didn’t work well. The plan ended with sadness. Romeo and Juliet died. Romeo drank a bottle of poison. And Juliet was really sad because of the death of Romeo. So she took Romeo’s knife and pushed the knife into her body and fell dead. But because of that, the Montagues and the Capulets ended their hate.

Romeo and Juliet in this story were the protagonists. In this story, they are the main characters. Because of them, the hate between two families ended and because of them, their families know what the meaning of true love is. They really loved each other. Even they didn’t afraid of death as long as they could stay along together. They wanted to do everything to make their couple happy. Romeo was devoted to Juliet, and also did Juliet. Their love also could be a valuable lesson for their family that love is more precious than hate.

james_liman said...

Sir, this is my task.

By the way ,
Happy Birthday!!!Wish you the best...Plots:
The story is based on a truly diary of Anne Frank, a young girl. It is 1942 in Holland and it is the time of Second World War, and the Germans have invaded the country. Anne and her family decided to hide in a secret flat in her father’s office building. Their hiding place is called Secret Annexe. They bought their foods from black market with a very high price. In the next story, Mr and Mrs van Daan, join them. Their son, Peter, became a good friend for Anne. The relationship between Anne and her mother wasn’t good enough. Fortunately Anne’s father had a better relationship with Anne. Anne’s father taught Peter and Anne France. In the hiding pace, there’s another man called Albert Dussel. He was a dentist. He was kind to Anne and her sister. He also taught Anne many subjects. This story was full of Anne’s feeling of War and her family’s condition in hiding place. This story had a sad-ending. The eight persons who hided in Secret Annexe were found by police and some of them were sent to concentration camp. Many of them also died before Britain came to save them.
Peter is a son of Mr and Mrs Van Daan. He was a very unfunny boy at first for Anne. But later Peter had changed and Peter became a “special friend” for Anne. He gave Anne her first kiss. Peter was so brave. He didn’t feel afraid to watch air raid and watch for burglars, but Peter also mysterious for Anne. Until the diary ends, Peter hadn’t told his feeling to Anne, because of the War. At the end of his life, Peter had to go on the terrible prisoner’s and died on 5 May 1945.


billy sugiarto said...

Romeo and Juliet

The story began in the city called Verona, that located in the north of Italy. There were two important big families that lived there. they were the Capulets and the Montagues. Between these families, there were some conflicts so they became enemies. The Capulets and the Montagues were really great enemies. They were always fighting when they met in the streets, and this thing became trouble for the prince and the people in the town.
Then, someday, Romeo, the only son of the Montagues, met Juliet, the only daughter of the Capulets. As the time goes by, love started to bloom in their hearth. So, Romeo and Juliet decided to live together forever. But, Juliet’s parents planned Juliet to marry Paris, the Prince of Verona’s relative. But, to stay together with Romeo, she made a plan so she could stay with Romeo and did not marry Paris. She planned to do a fake-death. But, the plan she has made didn’t work well. The plan ended with sadness. Romeo and Juliet died. Romeo drank a bottle of poison. And Juliet was really sad because of the death of Romeo. So she took Romeo’s knife and pushed the knife into her body and fell dead. But because of that, the Montagues and the Capulets ended their hate.

Romeo and Juliet in this story were the protagonists. In this story, they are the main characters. Because of them, the hate between two families ended and because of them, their families know what the meaning of true love is. They really loved each other. Even they didn’t afraid of death as long as they could stay along together. They wanted to do everything to make their couple happy. Romeo was devoted to Juliet, and also did Juliet. Their love also could be a valuable lesson for their family that love is more precious than hate.

fransiska said...

My Fair Lady

When first time Eliza met Professor Higgins, it was a cold March night in the Center of London. Freddy Eynsford- Hill, a good looking young man was knocked over a young Eliza. Eliza stood up quickly and looked angrily to Freddy. She was talking rudely with her London accent. When Professor Higgins saw her, he decided to teach Eliza how to speak English well. Then, Eliza came to Professor Higgins House and stayed at there. The day went past. Eliza practiced and practiced different sounds and words. To practice Eliza’s skill, Professor Higgins took Eliza to a dance party. She was the most beautiful girl in the party. Freddy didn’t know who Eliza is a flower seller he met in a Center of London. Freddy felt in love with Eliza when he saw Eliza.

Eliza didn’t use her accent again in that party. Higgins was very pleasant. They arrived at home from the ball at 3 o’clock morning. After arrived at home, Eliza hear that Higgins teach her to speak English well just for bate. Eliza was very angry. She leaved Higgins. But, now, Higgins already felt in love with Eliza. Higgins was very sad. But suddenly, Eliza came again to Higgins’s house. Eliza forgave Higgins. They started their relationship from beginning.

Eliza Doolittle is a young London woman with very strong London accent. She was then about 18 or 20 years old not a very good looking young woman. Eliza was a flower seller before she came to Professor Higgins house to learn to speak English without her accent. She often talks rudely to everyone. But, after Higgins teaches her, Eliza become a real lady. She can talking English well without her London accent. Higgins also gives Eliza a beautiful dress and also takes Eliza to the dance party. Eliza becomes a very different woman from before she comes to Higgins house.

-Lilie Fransiska

Alvin Vimala said...

The Count of Monte Cristo
Plots :
The story began when the ship named Pharaoh came to shore of Marseilles. Dantes was the captain of the ship. He replaced Captain Lecrec as the previous captain of the ship. Danglars seemed to be unhappy with Dantes. He sent Dantes to court and told the judge that he would like to help Napoleon. The judge then sent Dantes to Chateau D’if. It is a prison in an Island.
In the island, Dantes met Faria, a prisoner who went to the Jail 4 years before Dantes. He showed Dantes a way to get treasures. He told Dantes that there is a treasure in Monte Cristo. He told the way to the treasure and how to get it. Unfortunately, Faria has a terrible disease. He died in the jail. Dantes tried to escape the prison. He got into the bag where the guard put Faria, and as they threw the bag to the sea, Dantes went out.
He then met a ship, Young Amelia, and he worked in that ship. He went to the Monte Cristo and got the treasures there. He found some gold coins and other valuable things. He went back to Marseilles and met Mercedes, and married her.
Antagonist :
There are some antagonist characters in here, but I would like to make a review of Danglars. He is one of the antagonists in the story. He didn’t like Dantes to be the captain of Pharaoh. He tried to send Dantes away. In my opinion, this is one of a bad character as people tried to do everything to reach their goal even though they know that it’s not a good thing to do. We could say that Danglars is a selfish person and also a self-oriented person.

AHFEJ RK-253 said...

Hey sir Teguh, first of all,Happy Birthday to you. Wish you all the best, hehehe. This is my assignment, thank you. But it seemed that I pick up a wrong book. It contains a lot of story, so I would try to embrace the plots and choose a story that I think is the most interesting in this book.

Science has brought us to a better life. We live longer and easier, we have reached the space and the depth of the sea. But there is an unwritten list, filled by a lot of extraordinary event that happened in the past that we couldn’t understand; even science can’t explain them logically. Are we not alone in this universe? What is UFO exactly? Are there really ghosts and demons, for real? How can people suddenly disappear? What mysteries lie in human body, is it not just a biological organism? There are many unanswered questions like that around us.

We will deal with alien and UFO, the most unanswered mystery in this planet. There have been many reports of UFO seeing and interacting with aliens, even before the birth of Christ. It seems that there is another life being that have more advanced technology that we can’t imagine that maybe have watched us since the first civilization of mankind. The same report came from the first space travelers, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. They reported that they had seen “two very large mysterious things” with bright lights watching them. Some of alien cases also show us that they are observing us, such as alien abduction.

Alien, an extraterrestrial life being, that surrounded with incredible technologies, even before human invented fire. Many people still doubt about them, are they really exist out there or it just people’s imagination and fantasy? Our knowledge still cannot answer this question.
One of their amazing technologies that interest us for more than thousand years is UFO, Unidentified Flying Object. On our point of view, it seemed that they went to our planet and watched our activity and development using this mysterious flying saucer.
Many events have proved that they are really observing us, such as abducting people then learn their habits and mostly return them to Earth with erased memories about their contact with aliens.

Felik Junvianto / X-BC / 4

[L]eon-[z] said...

Here is my assignment, Mr. Teguh.


“GIVE US FREE!” Everybody was shocked, because they had no idea where or when Cinque learned those words.
“Amistad” is a book what tells about the struggles of Africans who were captured by the Spains. They captured the Africans so they could sell the Africans as slaves. Unluckily, Cinque was one of the slaves on Amistad, ship that was under the order of Ruiz and Montes. In the middle of their voyage from Cuba, Cinque started a revolutionary, by killing almost all of the crews of Amistad. Ruiz and Montes were the only survivors. Unfortunately, lady luck didn’t smile at them. When they saw an island, the US ship captured Amistad, and brought all of the survivors, Spanish and Africans, to US. Trials were held. They put the Africans in a position where everybody thinks that they are murderers. John Quincy Adams was one of the people in US who opposed them. He didn’t think that the Africans were murderers. They fought in Amistad to free themselves from slavery. Together with Baldwin, they helped the Africans in the trials. In the end, the Africans were proven not guilty, and the US helped them so they can get back to their country.
The main character of this story is Cinque. He was the African leader of the 50 Africans that were captured by the Spains. He was the one who started the revolution in Amistad. All of the crew (except Ruiz and Montes) were killed because of the Africans under the commands of Cinque. When trials were held against them, The Africans chose Cinque as their leader. Cinque tried his best to save his fellow Africans, and also to meet back his family. He even testified in the court so that he could meet his family back.

kelvin said...

hello sir,
neh tugasnya..hehe..

Our Planet Leaky Atmosphere
Scientific American


In solar system, planets are differs in atmosphere. Even planets with similar mass and size like earth, have different atmosphere which could not sustain any life there. Planets get their own atmosphere from: releasing vapors from its interior, capturing volatile materials from space things that stroke in, and pulling gases from space. However the atmosphere is not as steady as we think, hot and light gases are leaking to the space gradually, chemical reactions and particle collision throw atoms and molecules out, fortunately our earth has stable atmosphere. For example: mars’ water vapor broke down into hydrogen and oxygen, the hydrogen left the planet, and the oxygen oxidized the rocks; venus’ huge atmosphere of carbon dioxide is due to the loss of gases. Scientist wonder will our planet changed into less-of-gases planet like venus? Scientist found that in earth, hydrogen hard to escape because hydrogen-bearing gas, water vapor, condenses in the lower atmosphere and rains back to the surface. This will keep earth safe for at least two billion years when the sun gets brighter to make the escape of hydrogen quicker even evaporates the ocean. Earth will become a desert planet.

Cloning Species
National Geographic

Resurrecting extinct animals is not just an imagination. Scientists has report that we could make them alive by cloned the frozen species of the animals. Teruhiko Wakayama, a reproductive biologist had succeeded to clone a 16-years-frozen mice and now scientist are focusing on resurrecting mammoth, the ice age giant, from its species which preserved in a permafrost. To completely resurrect the mammoth, or other extinct animal, firstly scientist need no recover their DNA sequences wholly. Next, they do the cloning technique by making the artificial nucleus from the functional chromosome of the mammoth and then remove an elephant egg cell nucleus to do the cloning process using an elephant uterus as the host. But it is still hard, at least for now, since scientist still have no idea how to create the mammoth nucleus, the number of chromosome it had, and how to get the elephant egg cell. Cloning technique could be used more easily to save the nearly extinct animal like scientists have done to the giant pandas, Sumatran tigers, and African bongo antelopes. However some scientists think that cloning an extinct animal is like making a curio since they are living alone in the zoo, not in their real habitat.


Joses said...

Happy Birthday ,Sir
This is my task about Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist
By Charles Dickens


This amazing story tells us about the condition when the law was so poor. Actually, that condition did happen in the past and local government offered the people without work and money a workhouse, where they were given food and a bed. A cruel man named Mr Bumble controlled them. It wasn’t nice at all. Oliver Twist whose mother was dead when she gave birth, was sent to the coffin dealer. There, he was suffered then he ran away. He met Fagin and Bill Sikes who wanted to make him a criminal. Once day, when two boys and him went to pick pocket, he was caught. But the victim, Mr Brownlow proved that he wasn’t the robber. After that Fagin and Bill kept searching for Oliver. Once, Oliver was brought back but once again he could escape. Fortunately, there were still nice people in that time, such as Mrs Maylie and Rose. They, together with Mr Brownlow, tried to help Oliver with a lot of ways. Finally, Oliver could live happily ever after with Mr Brownlow. Bill Sikes, as well as Fagin, met their destiny and ended the lifes. Death. The plot is simple and really interesting. This book is awesome!


Oliver Twist, an innocent boy that has suffered a lot. The story mostly told us that Oliver was always tortured by another else that felt he (or her) was stronger, more powerful than Oliver. In my opinion, the writer wanted to tell us that a lot of people in his time have experienced this terrible thing. But also, even though Oliver was suffered, he still could feel love from nice people, such as Mr. Brownlow, Mrs. Maylie and Rose. So, Oliver didn’t feel alone in facing this cruel world. To sum up, by telling the life story of Oliver, the writer gave us a secret message. “When you face the world alone, you will find love that exists just for you. Just believe and let your life flow like a river."

Anonymous said...

Aldo said..

Recipe for a Resurrection
The resurrection here is not to raise the dead one, it is to recreate one. With our technologies now, it’s not a trouble anymore. One of the techniques to do this resurrection is by cloning. One species that worth trying is the ancient mammoth. The method is to copy the DNA sequences that include approximately 4.5 billion base pairs of the ancient mammoth, and then this DNA need to be injected to a body fit for the baby’s growth, in this case, the body is an elephant body. But the difficult task is to suit the elephant body with the baby mammoth; we need to change the elephant’s DNA a little bit to make sure that the baby will survive. Scientists were really sure that this method can be done without any difficulties. But now, the problem became more ethical, people are not sure that cloning is acceptable, especially for human.

Link: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/05/cloned-species/mueller-text/1

How to Grow New Organs

Nowadays, new organs are really needed, because many people from any age have their own organ problems now. Tissue replacement are available to commerce since many years ago, but the probability of success is still low relative to many other kind of surgeries. There are many organs that usually replaced, such as kidneys and heart. But replacement was not enough, we need more organs nowadays. The solution is to create one, the sophisticated materials were ready to use, the knowledge for build the organs were already clear and acceptable.Experiments were also already done. But tissue-engineered products were still wait for commercial readiness, it must undergo the complex regulatory research given to living materials. This researches are urgent, from the data today nearly 50 million people in the U.S. are alive because of many forms of artificial organ therapy. Also, the development of nanotechnology will help, it will give many use for growing a new organ.

Link : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-to-grow-new-organs&page=1

youngky said...

youngky said...

Decisions, Decisions! How to make up your mind without going mental
Suzy Welch, Management Consultant, had experienced a strained situation when she had to speaking to an auditorium full of executives in Hawaii, with her children see her excitedly. Before that, she left her children in the dancing class and finally the kids struggling to see her. In that condition, Suzy Welch feels very nervous and difficult to continue his speech, she stops and delayed the 2nd session. Learning from that condition, she change her way of thinking. Then he made 2 books that tell the strategy to face the critical condition. The main idea of that book is we must not think only for a short term of our decision, but we must also think the effect for five or ten years later. We must choose that we must say yes or no and finally, we never say something like this: “I have no idea why I made this decision”


Internet Service in the Air Is Slow to Take Off
Nowadays, browsing to the internet on the airplane is not a big problem anymore. Some of the airlines on the United States has apply this internet (Wi-Fi) access on their particular airplane. For example, Virgin America, will has their 28 airplane equipped with Wi-Fi access at the end of May and completed the rest on the other years. This policy gives a lot of advantages to the people that cannot leave their finger from their laptop to read and send emails. The things that the airlines must think: to ensure that they give the people who need the Wi-Fi access the right plane, which also has the Wi-Fi access and gives training to the flight attendants so they can help the passenger to log in. From the passenger side, they must also prepare their laptop battery because the airplane does not provide the power supply and they must know the consequence of browsing on the airplane, as stated by Netragard LLC, a network-security company, that it is so easy for a hacker on board to intercept and record all data sent and received by passengers.

Clone_[z] said...

Cloning animals has had been a common thing in biological world. But now, the researchers have an idea, “how about bring the ice age back?”. That means bring the ancient animals into our life nowadays.

The answer is yes, Teruhiko Wakayama and the team, a reproductive biologist from Kobe, Japan, had been successful in cloning mice as a permafrost animals. Now the question is “How about the mammoths?”

They have known the recipe for animal resurrection. First, they have to recover its complete DNA sequence. For mammoths estimated to be more than 4.5 billion base pairs long. The second one is to express this data in flesh and blood.

To get the genome of the mammoth, scientists take that from its hair or fossils. Then they could wrap them in a membrane to create an artificial cell nucleus to make a new one. We can bring back the life, but is it better to bring them to our lethal surroundings?

Taken from :http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/05/cloned-species/mueller-text/2

Now, the people over the world have to be familiar with online shopping, by using internet looking for something that they like or need to be bought. Usually they open many websites for comparing one to another, like price or colour and etc. This make a bit difficulty.

This Monday Snipi.com have published Snipi, software that can be a solution. It became available as a free download and helps you to organize your online shopping. You can stored the product information, like picture, video or price from the web pages to the lists.
Then it can be saved to your personal Snipi page and can be accessed again later.

If you on the go, Snipi.com has a coordinating with IPhone, so you can access the data that you have saved by using your handphone. Also you can share your data items via email or facebook. It can be attractive with it’s handy feature.

Taken from :http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124217141810712847.html

Anonymous said...

How to grow new organ


Up until now, constructing a living flesh by combining nonliving materials, and the living materials sounded like a dream to most of people. But, many people in the world need such constructed living flesh, such as transplantable human tissues to replace the broken ones, restore the damaged ones or, enhance the function of organs. A lot of people in the world are healthy because of the construction of this artificial living materials, and a lot people older than are alive because of the use of organ replacement technology during the remainder of their lives. Many technologies that are related to organ substitution that are used now can save a lot of lives but, they still have problem to be solved. The technologies come with heavy burdens for patient. In order to overcome this problem, scientists have analyzed the way the body naturally builds tissues and try to imitate it so that they can make better living materials.

Anatomy of tornado
First of all, the warm, moist air near the earth's surface rises because of the heat, creating an updraft, after that the heat also make the water from the rain that are on the earth's surface evaporates, because of the water evaporation, the air around the evaporating water become cool. The water that had evaporated from the earth’s surface condensed in the air; forming the cloud. The clouds hit the winds from the opposite directions, causing the cloud to rotate. As the rotation speed increased, we can see a funnel drops out of the clouds. The updraft is very strong, forming a prominent overshooting top and giving hail time to form. Then the strong wind at the tornado’s “foot” blowing up the dust on the ground. The center of the tornado is usually calm, but sometimes there are downdrafts in the center of the tornado, caused by the rotation of the wind.


Teguh Santoso said...

Thanks, Year 10, as all of you have already submitted your work, including "Amazing Live/Life" (Samuel Radja?).

For year 11, don't worry, you've still got tomorrow (May 14) as the deadline.

Thanks, yaaaaa ... wow! Give me one extra week to grade, guys.

P.S. Great hearing your success in the Math paper 1 exam today, including one student falling asleep, and lost 5 points for no. 11c. Phew! The question is ... how long did HE sleep? :)

maribelajar-TO2 said...

nih deh sir..
detik2 sebelum inetnya mati..

NASA, running out of gas, calls for more plutonium to continue its star trek

Exploration’s programs of NASA that needs gas will face difficulty to do the researches. Discovery to the Jupiter needs a lot of energy. They can’t rely on solar power. Since 1990s, NASA using 238pu from Russia but the amount will flow dry and Russia has stopped to product it. So, there is an opinion to product 238pu again but the Energy Department has shut down the production since 1980s. There is a bigger hope because NRC (National Research Council) issued about continuing the production of 238pu.
The project needs at least $150 million to start the production of 238pu again. For now, NRC said that NASA has enough 238pu for 2011 Mars Science Laboratory and mission to tour the solar system in 2020. There is an opinion that to reduce the need for RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators) is to develop ‘space sails’ that save the sun’s energy for longer time. But engineers can not yet create it with an adequate model.

A Killer Cold?

For some people, flu is just a little disease. But flu can cause to half a million deaths a year worldwide. In winter flu usually spread through air. Influenza can be dividing into 2 groups. The first is influenza A that usually attack people which have featured that can mutation, so flu vaccine must renew every year.
In 1918, there is Spanish Flu that became a pandemic. It killed more than 10000 people. Nowadays, scientists think that Flu Bird is the same with Spanish Flu. This is a combination between avian and human flu. Spanish flu is a deadly disease that can cross from animal to human. In 1997, it happened again with H5N1 virus which jumped from chicken to human. Now, an outbreak of swine flu has killed more than hundred people in Mexico. It jumped too from pig to human. it become a big fear for human that swine flu can be a pandemic again.

Kevin said...

The Adventure Of Huckleberry Finn

This book tells about the adventure of Huckleberry Finn. Huck and Jim travel down the mississippi from St Petersburg to Cairo. Huck wants to help Jim, an african people, to be a freeman, because at this age, African people can’t live freely. But, at Cairo, Jim can be a freeman. Huck is a fugitive too, he ran away from his hometown because he don’t want to meet his father, Pap. So, he escaped from him and together with Jim, they have a lot of adventure on the river. They have to be very careful and they have to travel at night, because many people want them to get a reward. Especially Jim. They even met a King and a Duke. But, Huck Don’t like them and soon, they realize that The king and the duke isn’t real. At the end, Jim become a free man and Jim gets his money back from his father Pap, and Huck meets his old Friend, Tom.

Huckleberry Finn lives with Widow Douglas in St. Petersburg, Missouri. His best friend is Tom Sawyer, and, The Widow’s Slave is Jim, an african. Huck is being searched by his father, Pap, because Huck found a Gold when they are travelling in the jungle. So, Huck ran away from his hometown with Jim, the Widow’s slave. He is a kind boy who helps many people when he is travelling with Jim.

vOnny cArOLinE said...

Ice Paradise
It was about an extraordinary wildlife, the toughest habitats on earth, in Svalbard, between Norway and North Pole. There are some species live there such as polar bears, seabirds, seals, walruses, reindeers, and fox. Even it has beautiful sight, actually it ruled by water, light and temperature. One extraordinary events, we can see a light dusting of snow which truly a mingled of tens of white heads of kittiwakes. Each animal has its own strategies to survive in Svalbard. Polar bear usually waits around seal hole and fox hunts their prey in white fur camouflage. Reindeer and rock ptarmigan are eat much to make a layer of fat which use for energy reserve in winter. In 17th century, humans hunted cetaceans to make whale oil. This behavior almost extinguishing the whales, so the hunters turned to the walrus. After the 20th century, Norwegian changed wildlife grounds into protected sanctuaries. Svalbard has changed, from wild to save, from predator to protector.

How Safe Are Cosmetics and Body Care Products?
From Ancient Egypt until now, cosmetics, creamers, and fragrances are mostly use. As the study of cosmetics is wider, there are some restricted and banned substances that must not put in the cosmetics. For example, titanium dioxide that safe in viscous mixture, but can’t be a powder due to can causing cancer when sniff in. Another example is phthalates, which use in nail polish, plastics, baby bottle, now banned in toy because they disrupt the production of hormones. Today, the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a voluntary organization, has checked the ingredient of cosmetics and try to realize cosmetics companies to care about consumer health. FDA can not order the companies to recall the ‘danger’ products, they only can ask and give suggestions. There is also Cosmetics Ingredient Review (CIR) who has already observed 80% of cosmetics ingredients. Government organization will help consumer to get the health products.

Lushee's said...


Eggs always have a reputation over the years for being bad for your health, but unexpectedly, Eggs are a source of high-quality protein - so high, in fact, that egg protein is the gold standard nutritionists use to rank all other proteins. Eggs contain all of the essential amino acids, the ones your body can’t make on its own, in the right proportions. Eggs have no impact on blood sugar because they’re all protein and fat. Like all protein foods, they may help control your appetite by keeping you full longer. Eggs have a lot of cholesterol - about 213 milligrams – all in the yolk. But dozens of studies have found that it's saturated fat, not cholesterol, that has the greatest effect on blood cholesterol, so eating eggs in moderation is just fine. For people with cholesterol problems, it is recommend to eat no more than three or four egg yolks a week, doesn’t count egg whites.


Cancer Clues from Embryonic Development

Cancer is not considered as a single disease because every cancer cell seems to be dysfunctional in its own way. The mutation is also in random and that makes diversity in different patients’ tumors, even when they are cancers of the same tissue. Some evidence shows that there is a method to the random mutation of tumor cells, making some scientists reevaluates the nature of cancer. Isaac S. Kohane of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology has found a surprising yet familiar patterns of gene activity in cancer cells - they are the same programmed genetic instructions active during various stages of embryonic and fetal development. In embryos, all the genes that make an embryo’s early growth, the later formation of limbs and other structures in the womb usually not functioning anymore during the rest of life. These genetic programs are reversed in many tumor cells.


Ang said...

Dearest Sir,

Here are my summaries.

The first one is taken from Scientific American (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=bacteria-antibiotic-resistance).

Quiet Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance

Medications against bacterial infections using antibiotic has faced tremendous challenges since antibiotic-resistant strains developed rapidly. Scientists are now developing innovative ways to block the bacterial infections by disrupting the quorum sensing communication used by bacteria to respond to the size of population, that enables them to secrete toxic factors against the host and form biofilms that are extremely resistant. Impeding this communication could prevent the bacteria to cause illness and form biofilms, allowing it to grow, that is on the contrary, inhibited by antibiotic. One of the problems challenging scientists is the species specific molecules used in quorum sensing and the toxicity in human of the inhibitors found. An idea is to use signal-blind mutans that do not produce signals used in quorum sensing, on the other hand, it grows and duplicate fast, decreasing its overall virulence. Experience done by scientists from University of Edinburgh has proved this idea to work remarkably well, albeit medications this way are still developed and will not be available soon.

And the second one is taken from National Geographic (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/05/090505-spiders-bigger-global-warming.html).

Spiders Getting Bigger -- Global Warming to Blame?

A study made by Danish scientists revealed that there was a remarkably increase in the average exoskeleton thickness of Pardosa glacialis, a spider species found in Greenland. The cause of this phenomenon is hypothesized as a sequentially consequence of global warming. The observations in the study showed that the spiders’ exoskeletons grew when spring came early, and conversely shrunk in colder years. Furthermore, as the temperature got warmer, the females of the species grew bigger than the males. An interesting puzzle stays, as it is not discovered yet why warming made the spiders bigger. The hypothesis is that it is because their prime hunting season is prolonged, allowing them to shed old exoskeletons more often, resulting in an increase in the size of the body. Moreover, larger females produce more offspring. Thus, the warming will definitely increase the size of the spider and its population. Whether this increase will affect our environment will still be a big question, although it will let them to be an easier prey.

Thank you, Sir.


vd said...

Human DNA is 99% identical with chimpanzee, that believed as human closest relative. Only 15 million of bases out of 3 billion that distinguish us from them. There is a computer program to scan the human genome that can make a difference with those chimps’. The mutation that has split human and chimps from a common ancestor, helps organism to survive and reproduce, has also make the human genome to be us, as humankind. Using the program, after months, the human genome sequence can be mapped. The scan result can show the top 118 bases that might be part of a gene new to science that is active in the brain, called HAR1. The human brain is the most different of human and chimp, and HAR1 might be the answer of all the mystery. Another thing that can be seen is also HAR1 is evolving extremely slowy and it changes the opinion that HAR1 is the most important factor in human evolution.

There is a new study says that artificial light can cause breast and prostate cancers. It is predicted because of the light is slowing down the melatonin hormone producing. One, from Israel’s University of Hafia, analyzed satellite measurement of cancer rate is 164 countries. The highest rate of prostate cancer is found in the most brightly country. Harvard researchers also found that 60% from 18,000 postmenopausal women who have low nighttime melatonin level more likely to have breast cancers. The light reduces the brain activity to produce melatonin. This hormone may play role in body’s immunity to cancers by slowing the growth of the cancers, according to Richard G. Stevens, PhD, a coauthor of the Israeli study. To minimize the risk, some ways can be done like sleep in a dark room, reduce light usage in bathroom during a midnight visit and eating breakfast by the window.

david ^^

Bella said...

Autopsy of Baby Mammoth

Taken from: National Geographic magazine edition May 2009, pg. 45-49

The discovery of frozen female mammoth fossil made paleontologist and researcher doing some observation in order to find out the cause of its death, the age of mammoth, and the genetic relationship with other mammals. The observer conclude that the poor mammoth was slipped and trapped, probably in riverbank mud. One of the observer realized that something odd with the fossil. He smell strange aroma, which then known as the result of preservation by lactobacilli, microbe. This condition protected the fossil from rotting, so it was more like living fossil. This fact strengthen the hypothesis that the mammoth was asphyxiation (hard to breath because lacking of oxygen) not drowned. Next, they determine its age by calculate the radioactive isotope. But, mammoth’s premolar and tusk revealed that she was born in the late spring and died one month later. Analysis of her preserved DNA revealed that she belonged to a distinct population of Mammuthus primigenius. The death of mammoth maybe seem painful, but it let the revelation of science.

Elephant Never Forget

Taken from: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=elephants-never-forget

This article is telling us about one of elephants’ capability, remembering a lot of things. They remembered which one are their family, population, even they were able to memorize their enemy or predators. They were also recognize their friends even though they haven’t been met since 23 years earlier. From the observation, the scientists say that if the head of group was around 55 years old, the group most likely make defensive formation. But, if the matriarch was around 35 years old, then the group will make confronted formation. The explanation is the older has more experience and memory than the younger one. The elephants can recognize the way to the new land (where water sources and alternate food are plentiful) when the drought came. They were as smart as dolphin and apes when they came to intelligence and they are the only animal that can recognize themselves in the mirror. These ability maybe the benefit to elephants which are low-birth rate animals.

bLog-nya dePh said...

National Geographic


Outlook: Extreme

Global warming had brought us so many problems to solve. One example is climate change. Since thousand years ago, climate change had been a great inevitable disaster. It had destroyed many civilizations such as Akkad –the first empire, Tiwanacu, Maya, and many other empires.
How can the climate change could be such a great disaster? We know that global warming has warm up the atmosphere temperature. Warm air contains more vapor water than the regular one. It contains 7% more vapor water for 1 degree Celsius difference. Because of the global warming, the air becomes highly moisturized. Warm air always flows from the dry places to the wetter places. So, the air which contains huge amount of vapor water will precipitates on the wet areas. The huge amount of vapor water will transform into a heavy rain in the wet places while the formerly areas suffering devastating drought. We can conclude that wet areas are going to get wetter and dry areas drier because of the climate change.



To do some activities, we need brain to integrate many impulses into a single impulse and give orders to the body parts to react. The impulses walk on many combinations of circuits in the brain cells and create memory by creating new circuits. So, to can do activities impulse must walks on some certain circuits.
Researchers in France have an experimental of neural activity in the brains of people while these people moving their eyes. They had found that the neural circuit while they moving their eyes to left or right were similar with the circuit while they doing arithmetic. When they did adding, the brain used the same circuits as when they moved the eyes to the right. And subtraction’s circuits are similar to the circuits when the eyes are moved to the left.
So, don’t shy of counting on your fingers because it may let the impulse walks faster on the circuits.

Devina XIBC

Anonymous said...

National Geographic Article

China's Mystic Water

Jiuzhaigou means “valley of nine villages” because it once harbored nine. This part of Tiberian Plateau is a complex of chromatic lakes. Its geology isn’t granite, but seabed, so it’s limestone. In Jiuzhaigou, Buddhist mysticism, and certainly the Bon religion that predated it and underlies it for many Tibetans, animated these lakes and rivers with spirits that mineralized waters might fortuitously personify. The true Tibetan narratives no doubt had more intriguing meanings attached to them. In Jiuzhaigou, there were once the tubby black-and-white pandas that thrived here but displaced wholesale by heedless logging and die-off of bamboo during the last decades of the past century. It’s a sliver of habitat for golden snub-nosed monkeys, hog badgers, musk deer, lynx, civets, the littler red species of panda, and rhesus macaques. Its lakes and popping waterfalls may be preserved like the imperial tokens of forgotten dynasties in Beijing's Forbidden City and mined for tourism instead of export.


Scientific American

Our Planet's Leaky Atmosphere

Earth teems with life while the other planets appear to be dead. It’s because of the atmosphere which is also essential to determining which planets beyond our solar system might be habitable. However, Earth’s atmosphere is not as permanent as it seems. Many of the gasses that make it and those of the other planets are slowly leaking back into space. Hot gases evaporate away, chemical reaction and collisions between particles eject atoms and molecules, and asteroids and comets blast out chunk of atmosphere. Many solar system’s mysteries are explained by this leakage. In Mars, its water vapor got broken down into hydrogen and oxygen, the hydrogen drifted away, and the surplus oxygen oxidized—in essence, rusted—the rocks. That’s why Mars’ color is red. Venus’ huge atmosphere is also the result of the loss of gases. A similar process to the process that is happening in Mars let carbon dioxide build up into a thick ocean of air in Venus.


Anonymous said...


My apology Sir, if I submit this work late. If possible, you can give me same work time as others, considering I had just returned from APhO. (Aldo is a fast worker; don't compare me to him in this case..) :). Anyway, if any of my words insult you, forgive me. Thank you very much Sir Teguh Santoso.

How Hackers Can Steal Secrets from Reflections

Michael Backes’s experiment at Saarland University in Germany showed that hackers can use the reflection of a computer's monitor to see information. But, reflection is only one of many other ways. One way, called side-channel attack, is a dangerous and hard-to-trace way, yet ignored by many computer security researchers.

Side-channel attack is various. Radio waves from cathode-ray tube monitor can be decoded. Flat-panel monitors radiate signals from the video cable, which can be picked up. Other methods can pick up keystrokes by analyzing the radiated radio wave. Last one, a method using video recorder and sophisticated software can capture keystrokes as well.

Michael Backes got the idea of stealing info through reflection when his student was typing. He used ordinary backyard telescope and 6-megapixel camera, and was able to capture the texts from reflection by nearby reflecting objects. With bigger telescope and more sensitive camera, he could read large texts from computer user's eyes from around 10 meters away. Finally, by blur removal process, Backes could read fairly small texts from user's eyes.

Protection against this "reflection attacks" is much harder than defending against spam, phishing and viruses. There is no software that can block the side-channel attacks. Besides, it is not clear that anyone is actively hacking.


4 Ways of Looking at a Bubble

Chad Fell, from Alabama, holds the title for largest blown bubble gum in Guinness World Records. He used 3 pieces of gum to blow 20-inch-diameter bubble gum, which remained aloft for 5 seconds. He had been practicing for years, and concluded that sugar reduces the elasticity of the bubble, thus impeding the increase of bubble's size.

Fan Yang is a soap bubble artist. He can make bubbles with various shapes, or enormous ones that can fit 100 people or an Asian elephant. Yang had been performing since 1980s. He said that his success was due to the secret composition of his bubble solutions, rather than tricks.

There are 3 bubble-blowing beluga whales at Aquas Aquarium in Hamada City, Japan. Initially, a trainer noticed them blowing bubbles on their own, then taught them to perform when commanded. This event attracts many tourists and visitors. Meanwhile, a Japan's Tokai University researcher taught a beluga at Kamogawa Sea World to "talk" when it sees objects.

French researcher Gérard Liger-Belair studies about bubbles' behavior in carbonated drinks. When the can/bottle is opened, the change in pressure makes CO2 rushes to the surface, creating effervescence. Some of the bubbles sticks to microscopic particles. Liger-Belair was most excited when he photographed the moment when the bubbles implode.
