Sunday, July 06, 2008

Food hunting on return trip Bali, Jogja, Bandung

Well, well, just a bit sharing on the wonderfully tasty and exotic food/cuisine in Bali island during my holiday there:

A. On the way to Bali: Bromo Asri, Probolinggo city, East Java
Spring roll (risoles) with salty brown sauce and fried round cake filled with seaweed.

B. In Bali island:
1. NAGA (Dragon), a Chinese resto in Kuta road: round table dinner with
sapo taufu seafood (beancurd) and fried squid as two of six menu items.

2. A JOY noodle (4 chain food stalls), two are at Teuku Umar road and Tiara Dewata.
Taste fried chicken noodle, special red fried rice, and chopped fried chicken
with sweet sauce. A Joy is also my cousin, ehm!

3. Titiles store:
very famous store selling minched meat (abon): shrimp, pork, chicken, and beef.
Also famous for having 4 tigers and lions and a big snake.

4. ANDA Jawa Timur resto:
East Javanese menu with special beef soup (rawon), Chinese dish with two pieces of
chicken (red and yellow sauce), rice (lontong) called Lontong Cap Go Meh.
I ate red-buttered chicken (ayam bumbu rujak) and tasted the Lontong Cap Go Meh.
Oh, try the "melinjo" crackers. Mm ...

5. TIARA DEWATA food court:
A supermarket famous for its more than 20 food stalls.
Try big noodle (kwetiau) also from A Joy noodle (see point 2), small Chinese dishes,
(dim sum) like minched chicken meat (siew mai), pork satay, and exotic juices.
A must-try menu: cakes, such as glutinous rice with tasty powder made of soybean
(ketan bubuk) and cassave cake (sawut). Bought 4. Ha ha ...

C. In Jogja (returning from Bali to Bandung):
Malioboro Mall foodcourt --> spring roll with salad (risoles salad). Yummy!

1 comment:

el said...

Sir, tambah berapa kilo? habis holiday...