Tuesday, March 31, 2009
For Year 11 BC: 200-word descriptives assignment
As discussed today on Cambridge (First Language) textbook, page 19 and 22,
please submit your 200-word essay on the comment box of this posting.
Choose ONE of the 3 topics here:
1. My favourite animal (Kingdom: Animalia, excluding human/your friend, please)
2. My Brilliant Class teacher
3. My dorm friend
Make sure you use the descriptive devices/techniques, including some of the 5 senses.
1. Styles (50%)
2. Language use (50%)
Since it is put in blogs, you may use some informal expressions, including some funny jokes.
Deadline: Wednesday, April 1st, 6p.m. (It's not an April Fool's Day/ April Mop, okay?)extended from Tuesday (today), March 31st, 11.59 p.m. due to my late posting of blogs.
P. S. Check your grammar/spelling with MS Word/ other word-processing facility.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Blackout TONITE helps to reduce CO2 emission

awarded a Panasonic award just yesterday, is aired every Saturday nationwide 20.00-22.00. Miss you!
Mm ... guess it will take some efforts to tell my dad and others at home. Possibly reduce the use of electricity by 85-90% of regular use, excluding the fridge (user friendly, lah). This could be 100% as our Jakarta governor Fauzi Bowo planned to support Global Earth Hour 2009 by applying a partial blackout tonite. Read the Indonesian news:
Wow! Viva our Jakarta governor! Must be a tough task to persuade malls, apartments and factories to use their generator/ even experience some blackout, for sure.
Well, one suggestion from me:
Are we going to do it on "Good Friday" during the Christian's Easter week, or probably on some other international/ local holidays to reduce the CO2 emission?
My blog readers and students,
I think the information I quoted from today's Kompas Indonesian newspaper, Saturday, March 28 (page 13) titled "Satu Hari Utk Merawat Bumi" (meaning One Heart to Care For the Earth) is very worthwhile to read. The article can be clicked here:
Next are at least three amazing figures and info for you, guys!
1. In Jakarta only, capital city of Indonesia, 284 tons of CO2 will be reduced
if Jakartan citizens switch off their electronics (and laptop, ho ho ho ...)
and light for one hour. Guess I'll be watching "Extravaganza" in dark
unless the Trans TV station joins the "Earth Hour 2009" movement. Wow!
2. 1,508 cities and towns in at least 80 countries have confirmed their involvement
in caring for our beloved Earth. What a figure!! Some of the cities are
London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Shang Hay, Moscow, Singapore and Sydney.
What a realistic and significant contribution from WWF to help preventing
from global warming and (-) climate change.
3. I read a special club in one college in Jakarta city called Climate Change Champion Club
of London School of Public Relations (LSPR) iniated to disseminate the news on WWF's
"Earth Hour 2009" through leaflets, posters and even banner. The website
http://www.earthhour.org/ even suggested the use of, to mention some, facebook, flicker,
and blogs. I'm posting this, too, to my friendster bulletin in a minute.
As an English teacher of two of at least 133 schools of BPK PENABUR in
4 Indonesian provinces, and as one of SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Jakarta's three school
coordinators of the British Council project "Climate Change Challenge", at least I could
help to spread the knowledge within the team's projects and through this blogs.
Wish my students at SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong (Brilliant Class) to read
my blogs as the dormitory is online 24 hours for internet access via their notebook. Guys, please drop your comments in my posting, okay?
Also, I sent sms/text to 15 of my Bandung and Jakarta students, as well as sending emails to all the four teams (16 students) of our SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Bandung city, joining the Climate Change projects from the British Council. Their website, blogs and comics are soon to be uploaded. I'll notify you about this.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
POST SMAK GS info/news here via COMMENT box (as of March 23, 2009)
Dear B.C.ers,
Starting March 23, 2009, please send any ACHIEVEMENTS, social activities (Easter, etc.),
news on Brilliant Class/regular class activities,and do not forget to write:
1. Date of event
2. What level: regional/ national/ international
3. Place/ campus/ high school
4. Some top schools joining.
5. If you win one award/ trophy, let me know
who are the other winners and which school.
6. Please post the original photo (1 Megabytes OK for PUBLICATION/ BANNER/
PRESS release). Email to sir at uget1st[at]yahoo.com
Example of publications sir has just created (Noel and Kelvin's being #1 Winner in ITS Surabaya this afternoon has not been created yet):
on Lusia and Felik's achievements (2 prizes) in Maranatha Univ. Bandung (I.T. Competition).
PLEASE POST THE NEWS through the COMMENT area. The photos can be to your blogs/ friendster/ by a separate email to sir. Have a great Sunday, and focus on Cambridge exam, starting on May 13, 2009!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Blogs training and samples (GS, 3/18/2009)
for today's training on making blogs, see this:
CHRISTIAN Values/ Education:
a. www.mudarwan.blogspot.com (Christian contents/ links)
E.g., http://mudarwan.blogspot.com/2008/11/pembimbing-ktb-yang-kreatif.html
b. http://penaburbestbuddies.blogspot.com/ (N2K in BPK PENABUR)
a. http://hatelovebc.blogspot.com/ (Hans, Year 10 BC)
b. http://leonz-science.blogspot.com/ (Leonard, Year 10 BC, science website)
c. http://diary-of-joses.blogspot.com/ (Joses, Year 10 BC, psychology)
with interesting comments at
d. http://noah-riandiputra.blogspot.com/ (Noah, Year 10 BC, see “about myself”)
e. http://rickysetiamanah.blogspot.com/ (Ricky, Year 11 BC, letter to university)
f. http://lushee.blogspot.com (Lusia, Year 11 BC, with photo of
UNPAR 2nd Winner programming competition)
g. http://bambanggunawan.blogspot.com (webmaster of Pahoa, OeL, and once BPK PENABUR)
h. http://sirteguh.blogspot.com/ (Mr Teguh's blogs since 2008)
For FUN:
Taken from Mr. Teguh's
a. Hobby http://sirteguh.blogspot.com/2008/12/whale-2-gold-fish.html
b. Meeting http://sirteguh.blogspot.com/2009/03/nus-high-singapore-bpk-penabur-jkt.html
c. Fun http://sirteguh.blogspot.com/2008/06/christian-n-titi-kamal-2m-fr-me.html
a. March 2009 Blogs as Homework
b. October 2008 Sample of Writing
c. June 2008 link: SAT 2
d. SMPK 4 PENABUR Bandung:
a. Oxford University: http://www.ox.ac.uk/media/science_blog/
such as
http://www.ox.ac.uk/go.rm?id=8673 (Accelerate, Entertain with Physics)
http://www.ox.ac.uk/go.rm?id=8640 (The Drama of the Earth –Geography)
b. www.mudarwan.wordpress.com (Biology and others by P4 staff, Mudarwan)
E.g., http://mudarwan.wordpress.com/2009/01/20/jamur/
c. See ONLINE STUDY above, too, point d.
http://eravictoriaproperty.wordpress.com/ (initially created by Teguh S.)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Holiday assignment for Year 10 B.C., 3/17/2009
Well, well, well, as I promised, you've got homework to do
during your 3-day holiday (March 16-18, 2009).
It's a reflection on your 7-month study in Brilliant Class
SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong. The composition should be:
1. around 150 words
2. using proper grammar (be consistent, please) and style (informal)
2. typed on the COMMENT box here (write name & your blogs address as well,
so other readers can visit your blogs, guys, and make you famous! ho ho ho ....)
3. submitted before Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 11.59 p.m.
Choose one of the two topics for writing here.
1. Two of the unforgettable events in my Brilliant class:
one academic, such as class/tutor/competition, plus
one non-academic, such as sports/arts/dormitory life/Christian service/field trip.
2. What two school subjects I am fond of and why:
one science/math, such as physics, bio, chem, computer, and math, plus
one non-science/math, such as sports/language/Christian education.
Reminder: post it ONLY in my blogs comment box, please.
Thanks! Have a great holiday due to teacher-training/seminar.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
3 deaths on NTU & NUS foreign students this week
1. March 2, 2009:
Indonesian top student David Hartanto Widjaja (NTU) died of falling from the 4th floor,
having been suspected to stab his professor on the 6th floor of an NTU building.
also doubts over David's death causes (in Indonesian language) at:
2. March 4, 2009:
An USA undergraduate from Miami Univ. (a national merit scholar) was found dead in his
NUS hostel room, apparently over drinking with a bottle of pills found.
3. March 6, 2009:
People's Republic of China student, just graduating from NTU and started working in NTU on
March 2, 2009 (the very day David passed away) Zhou Zheng was found hanged in
Nanyang Heights.
and some interesting comments from the Straits Times readers at:
Also read the Indonesian detik.com news at:
Only God knows what has been happening this week in Singapore, involving NTU and NUS--the two most famous universities in Asia! BTW, guys, peek out my comment on the Straits Times comment page at:
Here I quote my comment:
"Regarding the Misnomer's comment of at:
saying "3.5 score over 5 is a score which many average students can achieve. Here, we are talking about an ASEAN scholar. ", allow me to inform that in MIT, yes, the GPA scale is 0-5.0., seehttp://web.mit.edu/registrar/gpacalc.html,but in NTU, at least the undergraduate study as written here:http://www.ntu.edu/Ac/bulletin/admission.pdfthe GPA scale is 0-4.0. Therefore, the demand of the required GPA for the ASEAN scholarship requires best of the best students, and not average ones."
BTW, also read one blogs' conspiracy theory on the #1 and #3 incidents from:
Thursday, March 05, 2009
NUS High Singapore & BPK PENABUR Jkt meeting